Most healthy berries

Most healthy berries
 Summer - a time when nature is particularly generous with their gifts. Strawberry, currant, cherry - all this splendor grows in ordinary middle lane, while residents of cities with warm climates generally remains only envy: watermelon on a bed of his, magic cherry, mulberry, and all this at your fingertips, with health benefits. Determine the most useful berry hard enough, so let's deal with the specific use of the gifts of nature.

Useful berries, myth or reality? Often in the pursuit of human nature vitamins excessive samovnushaemost about the usefulness of certain products. The benefits of berries, as well as the rest of the plant food, with proper cultivation it is indisputable. However, "reserved for future use" in vitamins and minerals is unlikely. Yes and special healing properties of berries are often exaggerated.

For example, consider a popular plant as blueberries. The fact that the benefits of blueberries for proven science, heard each. That's just the fact that eat it to get the daily requirement of vitamins required to need a few pounds, not all known.

Followed by raspberries, which often recommended as a tool for weight loss. Naturally, the caloric content of the fruit is low enough, so its use in food may lose weight. However, on condition that one raspberries, and not in the case of jamming berries heavy dinner. In this case, the use of raspberry obvious, it contains vitamins contain elaginovuyu acid, which can resist cancer.

Strawberry - an invaluable aid for those who have problems with digestion. Just a few days eating only one plate of berries, you can see an improvement in the stool. Vitamins it also contains a huge amount.

Well, the leader of the content of vitamin C - currants. Benefits currant is huge, just a couple of tablespoons of berries cover the daily requirement of this vitamin in the body.

So called leader of the degree of their utility among berry hard enough. If possible, it is desirable to eat a small amount of each species of fruit daily. Then you can be sure that the body receives the maximum amount of nutrients.

Tags: health, benefits, berry, currants, blueberries, raspberries