How useful oxygen cocktails

How useful oxygen cocktails
 Constant stress and dynamic rhythm of life lead to the depletion of the body, total fatigue, sleep disorders and various diseases. All this is due to lack of oxygen in the body. The most effective and fastest way to stave off hunger oxygen - oxygen cocktails.
 Oxygen cocktails are thick foam. They are prepared on the basis of any non-alcoholic liquid (milk, juice, fruit drinks, syrup), enriched with oxygen molecules. Technology of production of oxygen cocktail was invented in the Soviet Union in the 60s of the last century academician NN Sirotkin.

Moving through the digestive system, oxygen is absorbed into the lymph and blood spreads through the body, enhances cellular metabolism, improves blood circulation. It is believed that the cocktail with the body receives ten times more oxygen than during breathing. And only one drink a small glass of oxygen equivalent to many hours of walking through the woods.

Oxygen cocktails have practically no contraindications. They can drink to children and pregnant women, and the elderly. As soon as the life-giving bubbles are in the body, immediately begin the healing process. Improves the function of the cardiovascular system, removes toxins, strengthens the immune system, normal sleep passes chronic fatigue syndrome. Cocktail useful for asthma sufferers and is indispensable for smokers because it helps cleanse the lungs.

For sickly children drink oxygen is the source of energy, which contributes to the normal development of the growing organism. Pregnant women include it in the diet for the prevention of toxicity, anemia, fetal hypoxia and vitamin deficiency. In addition, oxygen cocktails contribute to the rejuvenation of the body.

Consume oxygen cocktails should be 1-2 times a day. They drink slowly, in small sips. It is best to drink a drink immediately after preparation.

Devotees fasting recommended Oxygen diet in which food is replaced by oxygen cocktails. You can drink up to 5 servings per day. Nutritionists say that only two days a week diet equals normal fasting. During this time, there is a complete purgation and updated its microflora. Take oxygen cocktails next course. From 7 to 10 drinks per course.

Tags: cocktail, hunger, eating