How useful lavender and bay leaf?

How useful lavender and bay leaf?
 Useful properties of lavender and bay leaf used in different spheres of human activity. The effect of plants depends on the quality and accuracy of cooking the recipe.

Most likely, using lavender leaves, stems and flowers directly, which contain a certain percentage of essential oil. It is essential oil benefits for the human body, since its structure are linalool, geraniol, borneol, coumarins and tannins esters containing acids.

Prepared volatile oil is widely used in the soap industry, for the manufacture of perfumes and cosmetics, medicine, etc. Lavender able to scare away moles in a residential area, as well as refreshing reserves linen cabinets.

Note that the fresh or dried leaves and shoots can be used in cooking to prepare various salads, sauces, meat and fish dishes, beverages, etc. Decoction of lavender helps to cope with colds during the cold season, has a calming and relaxation properties. Therefore, it is recommended after a busy day drink a decoction prepared or take a bath with lavender.

With lavender essential oil at home can cure burns, contusions. It also has a diuretic, anthelmintic, healing, choleretic property. When used as a snakebite antidote. Inhalation using lavender oil helps relieve for bronchitis and pneumonia due to the content of antimicrobial substances.

Lavender calms the nervous system is perfectly human, so appointed by the appearance of insomnia, neurasthenia, fatigue and increased excitability (even children).

Bay leaf is most often used in cooking as dry leaves and serves aromatic seasoning for cooking various dishes and preserving for winter. But few people know that he has a useful and healing properties. Moreover, its beneficial properties are fully preserved and dried plants.

Due to higher content of tannins and trace elements bay leaf able to remove toxins and harmful toxins from the human body, but also effectively improves the immune system.
When stomatitis recommended just chew on a dry leaf, to eliminate the inflammation of the gums. Prepared or purchased in a pharmacy drops of bay oil well help with sinus and the appearance of bedsores.

Cooking trays with bay leaf helps to eliminate the sweating of feet, decoction is used in skin diseases of the head and purulent discharge from the ears. Antimicrobial action helps to improve the human condition in tuberculosis, as flavorings effectively suppress the development and reproduction of the tubercle bacillus.

Tags: lavender, property