How to measure cholesterol

How to measure cholesterol
 Cholesterol or cholesterol - lipid is transported blood. An excess can lead to the formation of blood clots, heart attack, stroke, hypertension and atherosclerosis. Know your cholesterol level is very important. How to measure it?
 One of the most common ways to measure cholesterol - make the laboratory analysis of blood. The direction of the survey can be prescribed by a doctor, have you observed.

However, much more convenient and easier otlezhivat cholesterol on the home machine. Due to the fact that different countries units taken several cholesterol must select device for Russian, for example, Accutrend Plus. A method of using this device is quite simple: Prick your finger with a sterile lancet, squeeze out a drop of blood on a special test strip and place it into the meter. After 3 minutes, the display will affect your performance.

It is worth noting that the cholesterol in the body performs an important function - it provides strength and elasticity of the cell membrane. The danger is only increased cholesterol levels.

Considered good indicators 1, 0-1, 5 mmol / l. If the cholesterol level below - it can lead to cardiovascular disease. Rate greater than 5, 2 mmol / l points to the need for urgent action to reduce it. Making measurements, keep in mind that the level of cholesterol in the winter compared to the summer, increases slightly.

What should I do to lower cholesterol? Reduce your intake of fatty foods, but does not eliminate it completely. Replace the saturated fats (lard, butter, coconut oil and palm oil) polyunsaturated (sunflower, olive, corn, soybean oil). Completely eliminate trans fats - their presence in the product can be found by reading the label.

Limit the use of cholesterol-rich foods - liver, cream, eggs. Eat more plant foods, which helps reduce cholesterol. Rich in vegetable fiber pears, apples, carrots, beans, peas, barley and oats. Significantly increase the level of cholesterol smoking and alcohol, in addition, these bad habits detrimental effect on the heart.

If you are overweight - try to lose a few pounds. Increase physical activity. Particularly beneficial effect on the heart outdoor activities: gardening, swimming, fishing, cycling, etc.

Tags: level of cholesterol