How to cleanse the liver from toxins

How to cleanse the liver from toxins
 One of the main functions of the liver is to purify the blood of toxins and other harmful substances. However, the impact of external and internal negative factors gradually weakens its activities. As a result of the toxins accumulated in the liver and it decreases the filtration capacity. That is why it must be maintained and cleaned periodically.
 To cleanse the liver from toxins, there are several ways. Select more accessible, and for the entire period of purification follow a vegetarian diet, while excluding completely fatty, fried, smoked, pickled and spicy dishes.

Perform regular short-term fasting - 24 hours per week. Since most of the pollutants and toxins from the blood flows from the intestine, the fasting liver enable to reset themselves.

Go to a vegetarian diet. But as fresh vegetables and may contain toxic substances before cooking or eating them soak in cold salted water, while the first cooking water drain. Fruit is better to give preference to local harvest fruits and avoid eating wild berries. They accumulate a lot more pollutants than horticultural crops.

Be sure to drink clean water at least 2 liters a day, and besides eat beetroot and apple (no acidity of the stomach) juices.

For a more thorough cleansing of the liver do dyubazh. This method allows not only to rid the liver of toxins, but also on bilirubin plugs. Make it better in the spring.

Before performing this procedure for a week to observe a vegetarian diet, and three days before dyubazha drink only freshly made apple juice. On the third day, do a cleansing enema and to continue to use the juice in the evening.

Prepare for dyubazha olive oil and lemon juice (200 ml) and a warm heating pad. At 7pm proceed to cleanse the liver. To her relax in a reclining position apply a heating pad to the right upper quadrant. Start to drink 3 tbsp. l. oil and traces of lemon juice. Drink cooked portion with an interval of 15 minutes. It takes about 1, 5 hours. Then continue to lie with a heater on the right side.

After a few hours of discharge of bilirubin and bile plugs manifest urge to empty the bowel. On the stool will leave a lot of blue-green and brown small stones of different shapes. This is the so-called bilirubin plugs. In most cases, each accompanied by the release of their malaise - weakness, chills, nausea, rarely vomiting. Most often occurs before the day 4 emission state and then fully stabilized. However, two weeks after dyubazha follow a vegetarian diet.

Do not carry out cleansing of the liver from toxins, does not clean the intestines, as well as during pregnancy, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, cancer and acute inflammatory processes in the body.

Tags: liver cleansing, toxin dyubazh