Cranberries - useful berry conifer forests

Cranberries - useful berry conifer forests
 Was recently bazarchika past where my grandmother sell gifts, so to speak, of nature. Understandably, there are rows of cucumbers salty, pickled tomatoes, salads, varenitsa, cranberries, slightly padded frost and cranberries. I ran past. And ran be sure, if a grandmother who sells cranberries are not called to, buy, say, my dear ... Actually, why should I take it? What kind of berries such hear about it heard, but did not have to try ... Oh, nothing, maybe I asked ... And maybe not. Grandmother read me a lecture about the benefits of berries and what to do right. Well not disappear as valuable information, so urgently share knowledge about cranberries with readers female site JustLady.  

As expected grandmothers, first told me a beautiful legend. Once upon a time, swallows were very friendly with people. People care about the birds well and did not let nobody hurt them. And then one day, one of the swallows found the source of the water of eternal life. She decided to give water to people and took a few drops in the beak. But this source of evil wasps guarded, so that no one could take away the magic water. Seeing that swallow carries water in its beak, wasps chased her and began to sting. Swallow could not keep the water in its beak, and precious drops fell on the pine, cedar and cranberries. And that is why they are always green. The truth is people have not got water of life.

As it turns out, is growingcowberryIn coniferous and deciduous forests in the swamps. And, in the most godforsaken, peat areas it most. Harvested cranberries in Russia always. Even before the arrival of the Mongols and Christianity. Lingonberry - a storehouse of vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese and calcium, pectin, tannins, carotene, so use it in the winter is very important. By the way, sauerkraut with cranberries are not only beautiful and delicious, but also very useful.

Cranberries - useful berry conifer forests

If we talk aboutapplication for therapeutic purposes, it is best to usecowberry leaves. In them there are tannins and tannin, and various acids. In Russian folk medicine of cranberries says a lot. It was used and continue to use so far, with the heat, dysentery, gastritis, salt deposits, jaundice, stomach tumor, diabetes, rheumatism, hypertension, tuberculosis and neurasthenia. Furthermore,cowberry leaves proven themselves as wound healing and tonic. In addition, it is an excellent antiseptic, which successfully fights even with trichomoniasis. In diabetes recommend the use of fresh berries - you need to eat 200-300 grams per day.

Surprisingly,cowberry leaves collected after the snow melts before it will release the kidneys. Decoction of leaves of bilberry is prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons cranberry leaves are crushed, poured into an enamel bowl and pour a glass of boiling water. After that, brewed cranberries, put in a water bath and heated for 30min. Remove from the water bath and let stand another 10 minutes, drain. The resulting broth diluted with a glass of boiled water.

Broth is used for enuresis, diluting it with broth Hypericum. When typhus when preparing a decoction of the leaves, cranberries, blueberries are added. Decoction of leaves of bilberry is used as a tonic and analgesic measles, malaria, SARS, diabetes.

Cranberries - useful berry conifer forests

For arthritis, rheumatism and kidney stones is recommended to use an infusion of leaves of bilberry. 100 g of cranberry leaves finely chopped, pour two and a half liters of boiling water, cook on low heat for 2 hours, drain. Cool and add to the broth a glass of vodka. Once again put on a slow fire or water bath and simmer for 15 minutes. Warning! Can not be obtained infusion bring to a boil! Treatment is carried out within six months, taking half a cup 3 times a day before meals. Improving the condition of notes after the urine will precipitate.

But children are usually not very favor, broths. They are more to taste fruit drinks and fruit drinks. A few spoonfuls of berries to fill a liter of boiling water, add honey to taste, present and to give their children, as an adjunct to colds and flu. Just juice is good for the treatment of beriberi. Actually, and adults can use it, but it should be remembered thatcowberry has the property of lowering blood pressure. Therefore, if the pressure is low, you need to take it with great care. Just a cold can be used and collecting. Lingonberry bushes and strawberry crush pour 2 cups boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Strain. Drunk as a tea, adding honey to taste with colds and senile enuresis.

In late winter, the whole family will be glad fortified tea. Tea take 2 tablespoons of berries cranberries, 3 tablespoons of nettle leaves and 3 tablespoons dried hips. All grind in a blender. Stir. The resulting mixture pour 1 liter of boiling water. Insist couple of hours. Drink like a normal tea, adding honey to taste.

Despite the fact thatcranberries and its application have a beneficial effect in the treatment of many diseases it is, andcontraindications when applying lingonberry - Reminds women's magazine JustLady. Cranberries can not be used in ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. Just need to consult a doctor if you have gastritis or inflammation of the kidneys.

Cranberries, not only useful but also delicious. Verify this by herself. Berries I have bought a grandmother yet. Now the whole family has been drinking fruit drinks and feel great. And I wish you the same too - good health and not get sick.

 Natalia Toropova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: berry