Carbohydrates: harm or benefit?

Carbohydrates: harm or benefit?
 A wide variety of diets walks on the internet, printed in different media or transmitted in secret from one to another lucky. If you follow closely the developments in this area, we can see that the first enemy number 1 for a slim figure was announced fat, then He was succeeded by carbohydrates. After a while carbohydrates received full amnesty ... And suddenly a couple of years, nutritionists again changed his mind?

By the number of calories supplied to the body, carbohydrates are in second place after the fat. They provide almost 60% of the energy needs of the person. Therefore, the easiest to lose weight by limiting the intake of carbohydrates in the diet.

But without the normal metabolism of carbohydrates protein and fat in the body is impossible. The most important source of energy for the brain - glucose, carbohydrate, too. Limiting the intake of carbohydrates, a person becomes sluggish, forgetful, increased fatigue of the body. To carbohydrates bring you a favor and not only contributed to the emergence of excess weight, remember that they, like fats fall into harmful and useful.

Harmful carbohydrates nutritionists call "fast." They have a simple chemical composition, so they are instantly processed by the body. This dramatically increases the level of sugar in the blood and causes terrible appetite. And excess sugar immediately sent to zhirok. That is why, having eaten as a snack or a chocolate muffin, after a short time you feel hungry again. This hunger is false, in fact, your body has enough calories, but the brain is fooled and signals that we should eat. You still eat a muffin to drown a false sense of hunger, again the release of sugar into the blood. Quick carbohydrates usually have a sweet taste and contribute to rapid weight gain. Therefore, limit consumption of white bread, white rice, sugar, chocolate, carbonated beverages.

But useful carbohydrates are digested by the body for a long time. Splitting them going for quite a long time, and during this time the liver has time to turn sugar into energy, which is necessary muscles and brain. Therefore, nutritionists advise to eat chorus for breakfast portion of complex carbohydrates: porridge, muesli, corn bread, vegetables or fruit. This will allow your body to work almost flawlessly before lunch. Moreover, products containing complex carbohydrate rich in vitamins and minerals. That complex carbohydrates are the foundation of the Mediterranean diet. It is rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grain products, olive oil. Do not be afraid to include in the menu pasta fattening not from them but from fatty sauces that are often served with pasta.

Some carbohydrates were hardly digested by the body. This cellulose and pectin. These dietary fibers clean intestines as good cleansers, improves digestion and stabilize the intestinal microflora. Complex carbohydrates help to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, and then their regular use is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis.

But what if I want to painfully sweet? It's okay if not abused fast carbohydrates, they do not hurt you. But a piece of chocolate is able to instantly awaken your brain, improve the ability to memorize and improve concentration. Sometimes, before an important meeting or before the exam, you can eat a "pill for the mind."

Fast carbohydrates contribute to the development of the hormone of joy - of serotonin. If the window is damp, overcast, the soul - anguish, and painfully want sweet - treat yourself. Furthermore, products containing fast carbohydrates can facilitate your status premenstrual days.

Note that the recent series of low-carb products compensate for the absence of excess carbohydrates fats and proteins. So do not get carried away by them.

Oh, and another rule - do not eat complex carbohydrates before bedtime. This will force the body to work all night. Dinner is better to make a protein, and carbohydrates for breakfast.

Tags: sugar, diet, hormone, feeling good, hunger, injury, level of serotonin, a selection carbohydrate emission