Deficiency of calcium in the body quite common and it is connected as insufficient intake of it with food, and with the state of the organism.
The reasons for the deficit:
• Malnutrition.
• Thyroid disorders (hyperactivity).
• Excess body selenium, zinc, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, which inhibit its absorption.
• Soft water used in food (does not contain a sufficient amount of this element).
• Kidney disease.
• Deficiency of vitamin D.
• Pancreatitis.
• Pregnancy and lactation.
• The use of laxatives and diuretics.
It causes multiple health sometimes do not give successfully absorb calcium, and bring no visible result from the use of calcium supplements. Therefore, in spite of a balanced diet and calcium supplementation, but expressed phenomena of the deficit, it is necessary to look for associated symptoms, a decision which will bring a positive effect.
Signs of deficiency:
• Progressive tooth decay.
• Violation of the structure of the skin, hair and nails.
• Cramps, muscle aches.
• Urolithiasis.
• Thyroid dysfunction.
• Reduced immunity, allergies.
• Poor blood clotting.
• Increased irritability, tendency to seizures.
• Osteoporosis, fractures, due to violations of calcium and phosphorus metabolism.
Lack of calcium in particular are experiencing pregnant and lactating women, and women of menopause (when calcium absorption is almost minimal due to hormonal changes) and the elderly.
Much better absorb calcium of vegetable origin contained in the dates, nuts, beans, parsley, green cabbage, spinach, beans and bran bread. Their products of animal origin enough calcium in dry cream, cheese, dry milk, dry milk whey, kefir, yogurt, cream, fish, cottage cheese and egg yolk.