5 excuses from a healthy diet

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 On the way to a healthy lifestyle we can trap a variety of temptations. One of them - the love of harmful products. From buns get better? But they relieve stress and elevate mood and useful bread evokes nostalgia and awaken your appetite, which will still have to satisfy something harmful. How could resist such a popular excuses from a healthy diet?

1. It is believed that useful products - it's tasteless. In fact, it seems to us that the porridge on the water is too fresh, simply because the wrong food dulls the taste buds, which are perceived as familiar and enjoyable only a pronounced taste - salty, very sweet, reinforced by special additives - improvers. Take some time to get used to the fact that tea is good and sugar and salad satisfy your hunger without mayonnaise.

2. Another popular misconception on useful diet not last long, the body will still require the usual share of "hazards". In fact, useful products to fully replace those from whom better to abstain. So, the consumption of dried fruits significantly reduces cravings for sweets and cakes and nutritious nuts and sunflower seeds help to forget about the chips.

3. believes that the food - it is a way to relieve stress, you can not fall asleep without a hearty dinner, wine RFQ? Just will look for another way to calm down, learn relaxation techniques. "Jam" trouble - a bad habit that has nothing to do with all the necessary sense of satiety.

4. You can not imagine his life without sweets, so do not even try to join the healthy food? But not all sweet harmful. Go to honey, it is sweet, useful and tasty at the same time. And dark chocolate contains important antioxidants that help fight cancer.

5. Weak willpower - the most common excuse lovers harmful products. However, nutritionists say that a healthy diet does not involve permanent abstinence and torment. Some effort is required only at the first stage to the body used to the new eating habits. After a while you are surprised to find that even just do not want any sweet or fatty. Tasteless!

Tags: image, food, life, excuse