In the category Fitness: correct posture, exercises to correct posture
Just wheat oil contains a natural antioxidant. It slows the processes that lead to cell aging, helps to eliminate the inflammatory processes that occur in the skin, helps to remove harmful substances from the body and skin. It can be used every day, taking care of your hands and face.
Wheat germ oil helps to stimulate the body metabolism, improves the complexion, helps rejuvenate the skin, making it supple, fresh, even in quite old age. It acts like a cleansing, anti-inflammatory, anti-cellulite, healing wounds.
Wheat germ oil used as a food additive in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the central nervous system. Use it as well in the treatment of impotence, infertility, obesity, anemia, allergies. It is recommended to use oil of wheat for the rehabilitation of people who have undergone chemotherapy. For external use of oil is used for hair growth, acne treatment, it helps faster healing of burns and wounds, rashes, abrasions. Use it to gently, causing the affected skin.
In gynecology is also very widely usedwheat germ oil. With its use of vaginitis treated cervical erosion, breast. It is very effective in domestic use to eliminate domestic and sunburn. An indispensable tool for eliminating irritation, itching, peeling, swelling of the skin. The composition of wheat germ enters the allantois. It helps to soothe and soften the skin, refreshes it, helps equalize the color and the skin surface.
In ancient China is very widely used wheat germ oil. It was used in order to prevent inflammation of the intimate areas and the preservation of their tenderness. As well it is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
Many expectant mothers know that oil wheat prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. It perfectly strengthens the skin, tones it, you just need to oil the abdomen and chest.
Wheat germ oil promotes good blood circulation in the skin. This helps to keep the skin soft and supple. It is ideal for aging and aging skin. Helps to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, neck, face, from the rough skin, cracks in the palms of the hands, in the corners of his mouth.
Wheat germ oil rarely used in its pure form. It has a very strong smell of wheat. It is used as an additive of 10%.
To take massage oil and wheat mixed with almond oil 1: 2. Almond oil can be replaced by apricot or peach.
Wheat germ oil is widely used in the fight against cellulite. Take 1 tablespoon of oil wheat, add 5 drops there mixed essential oils of orange or grapefruit (1: 1). Or, add 1 drop of juniper, geranium or lemon oil. Stir and using the mixture to make a hard massage problem areas.
Wheat germ oil for face and hair
Using wheat germ oil You can do all sorts of masks, different applications.
- Mask for sagging, aging, wrinkled skin: Take 1 tablespoon oil wheat and add 1 drop of peppermint oil, sandalwood, orange. Apply a cloth napkin and put on your face no more than 20 minutes. Do not rinse. Remains of a mixture of themselves absorbed into the skin.
- Mask for skin with acne: 1 tablespoon oil wheat, 2 drops of lavender oil, clove or cedar. Apply to face, as shown in the above aforesaid mask.
- Mask to remove spots, freckles on the skin: 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil1 drop of oil of juniper, bergamot, lemon. Saturate the cloth with the mixture, put on your skin once a day for 30 minutes. The same application you can do with only one oil of wheat.
- To get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, will help such a composition: 1 tablespoon oil wheat, 1 drop of sandalwood, neroli, or 2 drops of rose. Apply with light movements of the fingers on the skin around the eyes and lips until completely absorbed.
- Mask flaky and dry skin, lips: use oil of wheat in pure form or add 1 drop of lemon balm, rose. Lubricate the skin several times a day.
- Mask that will help strengthen your hair: one oil can be applied to the scalp wheat or mixed with jojoba oil one by one. As in wheat oil can add 2 drops of pine oil, ginger, eucalyptus, pine, or thyme, orange. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair roots. Make a mask should be 20 minutes before washing hair.
- Mask for hands: wheat germ oil You can lubricate the skin, or add the oil of lavender, bergamot 2 drops. This will help you get rid of peeling skin of hands, minor injuries, give your hands soft and supple. It is necessary to lubricate your hands after washing.
Wheat germ oil used for prevention and treatment of various diseases, as a food additive. Here are a few ways to use oil of wheat into the prevention and treatment of various diseases, prevention of age-related changes.
For the prevention of gastric ulcer disease, during the month of fasting, take 1 teaspoon of oil of wheat 1 time per day.
In order to prevent the occurrence of colitis and gastritis, an hour after dinner, take 1 teaspoon wheat germ oil.
Kiddies from 5 to 14 years and lactating mothers should be taken twice a day for half a teaspoon. Duration of prophylaxis - 3 weeks.
It is not recommended to use wheat germ oil, if you suffer from kidney stones or gallstones.
Wheat germ oil can be stored for 6 to 12 months, in a dark, sealed container. If you opened the bottle of oil to use, it necessarily must be stored in the refrigerator.
Natalia Garkavenko
Women's magazine JustLady