It's safe to say that black currants - real storehouse of vitamins and health. Its berries contain vitamins P, B, provitamin A, C, pectin, phosphoric acid, carotene and essential oil. A large number of leaves of phytoncide, magnesium, manganese, sulfur, copper and silver. If we talk about vitamin C, then black currant berries leader among others.
To ensure daily requirement of ascorbic acid, enough to eat 10-20 berries. As drug use leaves and berries. Black currant has a feature to prevent cancer and protect against cardiovascular disease. It also prevents disturbance of mental abilities in the elderly.
During the study found that the black currant has the ability to prevent the occurrence of diabetes. Therefore, it is often added to her food, which are intended for healing and strengthening the body with a wide variety of diseases.
Useful properties of this berry are known to everyone: its leaves are still used in the treatment of kidney stones, respiratory diseases and liver. Eating fruit is useful in atherosclerosis. In addition, it is the best medicine for sore throat, as black currant has disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties.
In folk medicine, it is used for herbal tea for diarrhea, as well as in the treatment of fever. It increases the body's immunity to various diseases.
It should be noted that the beneficial properties of blackcurrant fruit stored in the processing and preservation, as well as in the home workpieces.
Decoctions of berries well help with hypertension, anemia, bleeding gums, gastritis and gastric ulcer. Baths of decoction of the leaves is used in various skin diseases and rashes, as a diaphoretic. The juice from the berries currant drink with sugar or honey for coughs.