Milk - the first food of all mammals. This argument is often cited supporters that milk is still useful, contains a large amount of nutrients, micro and macro. But how much do you know mammals that even as adults continued to eat milk?
Absolute harm or indisputable benefits of dairy products seems rather doubtful. So let's imagine some scales on one side of which is set positive for the human body milk quality, on the other - negative.
The use of milk due to the fact that the proteins of this product contain almost all essential amino acids for humans. Dairy proteins are absorbed by the body by 96%, the most among full-fat milk fat - 95%, milk sugar - 98%.
Milk enzymes and components are involved in a variety of metabolic processes. Also the product is rich in salts of calcium, phosphorus.
Milk - an indispensable kind of food for weak people, diabetics, children, patients with gastritis, tuberculosis, diseases of deducing system and gastrointestinal tract. It can envelop the stomach, thereby reducing its impact on the gastric wall.
Now gradually move to harm. Start should probably with the fact that milk, as a kind of universal product, simply does not exist. Milk fur seal - the food for its young and pure poison for mice. Similarly, differs in its composition of human milk and cow's milk.
That is why breast milk is useful for people (at least, breast), but the cow ... It's all debatable. For instance, cow milk contains casein in 300 times greater than human.
Milk is quite difficult to digest. Therefore, during its digestion in the gastrointestinal tract appear fermentation processes, a consequence of which, as is known, are flatulence, increased proliferation of pathogens.
In addition, milk can cause allergic reactions (certainly among your friends there a couple of people with allergies to milk components) and even autoimmune manifestations.
It is believed that pasteurized cow's milk violates human intestinal microflora. Unpasteurized same - excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria such as salmonella, which the milk way into the human body.
Man, of course, can use cow's milk and its derivatives without harm to himself. But not any. No more than 100 milliliters of milk a day can drink only those who are holders of III (B) blood group. All other product in its pure form is contraindicated, and its derivatives (cheese, sour cream, yogurt) may be recommended in very moderate amounts.
Actually, our bowl weights equal. However, all the arguments "for" and "against" milk are quite controversial. Therefore, to drink or not to drink this beverage made by nature, everyone decides for himself.