How to increase the female hormones

How to increase the female hormones
 Female hormones: estrogen, progesterone, progestin et al., - Effects on metabolism in the body of a woman, the level of fat content, the stability of the menstrual cycle and many other physiological processes. There are two basic control of hormones in the body: medical and People.
 Before independently increase the level of female hormones in the body, consult a physician. Only a specialist can say with certainty, as necessary. If you take up the matter on their own, but, for example, in this case is already high hormonal status, the risk to cause great harm to their health. At best, hormonal devices can turn obesity, mood swings and failure in the menstrual cycle.

Take some medicine, which is prescribed to you by a doctor. It is not necessary to listen to the advice of friends, for which the same remedy was to no avail: the body of every person is unique, a specialist in the selection was guided by your way of life, health and other medications you are taking (including contraceptives).

Do not change the dosage and frequency of administration of the drug without the consent of a doctor. With increasing dosage change hormone levels suddenly you do not succeed, but the harm to their health very easily. However, if you feel uncomfortable with the medication as soon as possible to re-visit the doctor and describe your complaint. Cause for concern may be a number of physiological changes, including menstrual disorders or sudden weight change.

Traditional methods are recommended to use products that contain natural female hormones or plant analogs (phytoestrogen). These products include hop cones, broth limes and mint, dark beer.

Using folk remedies, immediately limit the period of treatment. The maximum period shall be six weeks. The dosage should not be too large, for example, beer should take one tablespoon twice daily (morning and evening), before meals.

Medicines and foods that are high in hormones are not a panacea. Hormone levels depend on the general condition of the body, particularly on your satisfaction in sexual life. Keep a regular sex life with the beloved, achieve satisfaction at every intercourse, especially recommended multiple orgasms.

Tags: product, a hormone content life level, estrogen, progesterone