7 reasons to give up sweet

 Chocolate, candy, cookies, cakes, sugar buns, donuts, cakes ... How many sweet temptations! Sometimes it is simply impossible to resist the temptation to eat something delicious. However, all you need to know when to stop - because in addition to damaged teeth and expect a sweet tooth shapes are plenty of health problems. JustLady talks about all the dangers that lurk sweet lovers.

Of course, without sweet treats do not - it contains carbohydrates that are vital for the proper functioning of the organism. Our cells are entirely dependent on the regular intake of carbohydrates, because they provide energy recovery. In addition, sugar promotes the production of serotonin - the "happiness hormone". But if you love the sweet turns into addiction can cause serious health problems.

In recent years, scientists have been able to find out a great deal about the dangers of sugary foods.

Side effects of "sweet life":


A recent study conducted by experts from Harvard University found that eating large quantities of sweets affect the production of testosterone and estrogen.

Increase the level of sugar produced by the liver lipids, and they, in turn, reduce the level of a particular protein - SHBG. It is responsible for SHBG balance between blood levels of testosterone and estrogen, whose lack subsequently can lead to infertility.


Ladies who can not indulge in a piece of cake or chocolate, more likely to suffer milkmaid (urogenital candidiasis). It is known that the cause of yeast are fungi of the genus Candida. They live in almost every person, but the disease occurs only when they become too much.

This occurs most often in patients receiving antibiotics, but to provoke increased activity of fungi and can foods rich in carbohydrates - that is sweet.

Bowel cancer

American scientists have also warned that among the unfortunate consequences of addiction to sweets is, and cancer. Drinking large amounts of sweet pastry makes the pancreas to produce insulin strongly - it can cause the formation of malignant tumors in the intestine. Such a conclusion was made by physicians based on the observation of several thousand women.

Sweets are harmful to the brain

Of particular concern among experts possible deleterious effects of sweets on the human brain. Spanish experts say: sugar adversely affects the brain.

Scientists have studied in mice a rare hereditary disease - syndrome Laforêt. In this disease, glycogen begins to be deposited in the brain cells. As a result, develop seizures, movement disorders and dementia.

To brain cells do not "put off" glycogen, the body produces two types of specific protein. For each of these corresponds to a specific protein gene. In case of damage to one of the genes and develops Laforêt syndrome.

Sugar and mental abilities

To interesting conclusions in the study came and scientists from the California State University. They were tested in 803 boarding schools and nine juvenile detention centers. From the diet of children withdrawn sugar and sweets, and replaced them with fruits and vegetables.

The results were striking: evaluation of children have grown by an average of 1 point on a 5-point scale, and 50% of all mentally retarded children were found to be healthy.

Shortened life expectancy

The Ins and Outs of sugar for health and interested scientists from Germany. They found that glucose can significantly reduce a person's life - an average of 25% (which is equivalent to about 15 years of life). Later findings of German scientists were confirmed by American researchers from the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in California.

The danger for pregnant women

Another risk associated with the consumption of sweets: excess carbohydrates in the diet of pregnant women can provoke allergic reactions in children and increase the risk of developing diseases of the nervous system.


Some people are looking for the best alternative to sugar substitutes are beginning to use it - they are not as high-calorie, and to taste a little different from the "original". Among the most common sweeteners include saccharin suklamat, aspartame, xylitol and sorbitol.

However, these substances can cause harm to health, if you do not comply with the measure. For example, saccharin (available as 40 mg tablets) in a high dose can contribute to the formation of malignant tumors - it is recommended to use no more than 4 tablets per day. Adverse action suklamata and aspartame is an allergy, and xylitol and sorbitol have a choleretic and laxative action.

To a disappointing conclusion regarding sorbitol came recently British experts. They proved that the sweetener - sorbitol (E420) - can cause intestinal upset, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Especially in large quantities sorbitol is used in the manufacture of chewing gum, as well as part of some toothpastes.

What to do sweet tooth, who can not give up their favorite treats? For these people, the most important rule - know when to stop! After all, these dire consequences arise only in the case of abuse of sugary foods.

But if you still feel that you can not give up the next piece of cake or a cake, try to follow these tips nutritionists:

- Replace the sugar with honey and dried fruit

- Limit consumption of glucose and go to the "natural" sweeteners: fructose or lactulose (they are abundant in fruits)

- Try to drink tea without sugar, and instead of soft drinks drink mineral water.

Trade Off

If not sweet can not do, try to at least go to the least harmful sweets, for example:

-Mёd 100g of the product contain a daily rate of iron, manganese and magnesium. If you are not allergic to bee products, honey, go on! It has antimicrobial properties, useful for colds, constipation, insomnia. Calorie - 100g - 320 kcal.

-Marmelad Pectin is contained in the marmalade is very useful - it absorbs and removes from the body of toxic substances, even heavy metals and radionuclides. Also helps cleanse the body from the "bad cholesterol." Calorie - 100g - 290 kcal.

-Suhofrukty Very rich in fiber (especially figs and apricots: 1, 5 g per 100 g of product), iron, magnesium. This is useful for vessels, heart and gastrointestinal tract. Calorie - 100g - 240 - 270 kcal.

-Zefir Of course, not the most useful dessert, but still less harmful than pastries and sweets. In the marshmallow lot of protein, iron and phosphorus. Calorie - 100g - 300 kcal.

There is a saying: forewarned - is forearmed! It applies to our health. Knowing the possible consequences of addiction to sweets, we can protect ourselves from them. Remember the golden mean, and then you do not have to regret the next eaten a piece of chocolate or candy.

Anastasia Vladykina

Tags: thrush, health, audio, disease impact, child, sweet, sorbitol