A very important criterion in the selection of skis "Fischer" is the knowledge of the temperature regime of the region where will ride. For a soft, damp winters suit the so-called "warm" skis that do not delay the melting water and allow to slide at -2 ... -5 degrees. For driving in harsh conditions suitable cold skiing with almost smooth structure.
Is to determine and order will be applied lubricant or not. Skiing, which require a paraffin lubricant for better glide, have a notch. The possibility of additional coating allows to increase the temperature range depending on the weather. Skiing without notches, not intended for lubrication have a stroke in a limited temperature range.
When buying more convenient to use a ski attachment system with NIS, which allows easy transfer of attachment to another couple. If you plan to buy a single pair of skis, you can use a fixed mount on the screws.
The length of the ski depends on the growth of the skier and his experience. To select the skis 'Fisher' the right size, it is enough to add to the growth of 3 cm. Athletes selected skis longer or shorter depending on the type of route or slope, as well as from its own coordination.
When choosing skis 'Fisher' price plays an important role. It should be noted that the cross-country mountain are more expensive. The cost depends on the type of equipment for beginners prices are reasonable, professional kit is worth much more expensive.
Skis must be supplemented by boots and poles. Mark 'Fisher' offers for each species appropriate shoes and ski poles.