Foreign women series: watch when sad

Foreign women series: watch when sad
 When the window dull gray weather, the mood somehow by itself is in decline. Raise it can and it does not necessarily leave the house. Arrange for more comfortable in your favorite easy chair or on the couch, you can even wrap yourself in a blanket, to pick up a cup of hot tea or cocoa, and include some foreign TV series for women. However, a large number of channels and various programs still make us think we have about what we look today?
 When you want to give in to the mood and mourn a little, you can see the good old foreign series. It is worth remembering the story told about Dr. Quinn - a woman doctor. This serial film was a long time, back in the nineties, for six years. If you want to sympathize and empathize, then this is the show. While viewing it, you will learn about the challenges faced by young doctor, who declined from a rich heritage and went into the wilderness of the Wild West, about how her courage and dedication allowed to change the opinions of others about the woman as a doctor. "Dr. Quinn: woman doctor" today is not broadcast on the main television channels, but you can find it on disk or watch it online on the Internet.

Another series, which gives us the opportunity to mourn and at the same time to dispel bad thoughts, it's "Beverly Hills 90210". Many he knew since his youth, when he had a lot of popularity. Experiences on the screen allow the switch from sad thoughts and think about how important it is to appreciate and love the one who is near, take care and be loyal to his senses and your loved one to appreciate friendship and be honest.

If you are going to see the show overseas in order to dispel sadness, you should pay attention to the premiere last year - "The Taming of the Wild." This comedy serial film will make you smile and forget the bad mood. Still, it is so exciting to watch, as provided by a young man trying to impress a girl, whose mother was a housekeeper in their family. Improbable situations, comical remarks just will not leave you in the selection and scatter your depression. You provided a good mood and positive emotions.

Finally I want to briefly recall the serial number of such masterpieces as "Friends," "Ellen and the boys," "Wild Angel", as well as historical, "Jane Eyre," "The Tudors» (The Tudors), «Gone with the Wind" and others. It does not matter on which you make your choice, the main thing - it is an opportunity to mourn a little bit, maybe a little cry, then to smile, look at the mistakes of others from the outside, so take a look and then on their own, but from a different angle. Whatever it was - you pleasant viewing.

Tags: film series