Features of Spanish cuisine

Features of Spanish cuisine
 Resorts sunny Spain - a favorite vacation spot for a large number of tourists from all over the world. The country attracts travelers not only for its spectacular scenery, pure Mediterranean Sea, rich and ancient monuments, art, and fine cuisine. It is Spanish food is one of the main attractions. Impact on its formation at different times provided and the Moors and the Romans, and the colonies of Latin America. Thanks to this Spanish cuisine has gained its piquancy and poignancy that is so prized in the world.

Olive oil, a variety of fruits, herbs, spices, potatoes, tomatoes, seafood - are the main products of Spanish cuisine. However, not all of the ingredients used in all regions of Spain. In Castile impossible to find similarities with Basque cuisine dishes. Perhaps it is the difference in climate, the interpenetration of foreign cultures and identified the common or dissimilarity of Spanish cooking.

Conventionally, Spain can be divided into several zones gastronomic, namely eight. And every single one of them has a specific set of dishes, as well as methods for their preparation. But, regardless of the regional area, wine - the main element of the dining table. Spain - chief legislator production and wine tasting, an art she got from the Romans. Spanish wines are characterized by their high quality and exceptional clarity. Wine from Rioja - a special wine that is appreciated worldwide for its taste, aroma and texture.

Like its diverse landscape, Spanish cuisine is as diverse. The most popular dishes - it's hot "Cazuela" ear of monkfish, stews, fried in lard pork sausages with beans. Everywhere are very fond of white bread, rubbed with garlic and drizzled with olive oil.

Locals appreciate dishes of white leek, which has a sweet taste. The process of cooking is a colorful spectacle. Baked onions on the grill over the fire of the vine, in the open air. Eating this dish takes place at a long dining table with large ceramic saucers and jugs of wine. Participants play wear special aprons and gloves, because you can get dirty on the charred onion.

Tags: kitchen, dish, food, Spain, especially, Cazuela