Another game Bringing the family during the holiday, - "Who is in the photo? ". On the table laid out baby pictures of relatives. The participants' task - to guess who it is. For fun, you can slightly change the photo in your photo editor. Instead of providing a photo, you can tell the little known story about someone from the audience (not only those whom he is ashamed). The challenge is the same: to guess, about whom we are. Winners of the competition can be issued souvenirs or sweet prizes.
For children, you can arrange a real theatrical performance. Parents under the pretext to turn out of the room and dress up in costumes of Santa Claus. Possible to involve family and friends by entering into a spectacle, for example, Snow Queen, fairy godmother, robber, etc. The easiest story of such representations: Maiden gifts or stolen evil character, but children can rectify the situation by demonstrating their talents.
Arrange holiday divination. Let it be comic, funny divination, not to spoil the mood of anyone sad prognosis. Predictions can think of yourself, write on pieces of paper and hide in the liver, which one takes a each family member. You can guess on the book (by selecting the page and line) on the TV (you need to enable random channel and remember the first to say the phrase). And if you want more seriousness and mystery - on the Chinese Book of Changes.
If you still do not know how to celebrate a holiday, take a trip. New Year, holiday and even the family, but to meet him at home is not necessary. The whole family can visit Santa Claus in Lapland, go to a winter wonderland one of the European capitals, to go to a ski resort. And if you will not be difficult to abandon the traditional New Year's attributes (snow, frost, trees), the winter holidays spent in a hot country, certainly will not be forgotten!