For very young girls are well suited to the spirits of light, sweet fruit and berry aroma. For a young brown-haired brunette or more appropriate would be complex, imaginative flavors that can emphasize the identity of the mistress. If a girl has an active, energetic lifestyle, most likely she would like perfume with a rather sharp, severe range or unisex. For a more romantic, shy particularly preferably choose light perfume with aromas of fresh field.
Swarthy oriental beauties traditionally prefer "heavy" sweet scent with notes of patchouli, vanilla, ylang-ylang and citrus. And I must admit, this perfume is best emphasizes the sultry beauty of these mysterious women. In contrast, white-skinned brunettes Severyanka and most of all to face aromas with hints of winter freshness, sea breeze and slightly bitter notes of forest needles.
The surest way to "guess" with the choice of flavor - a look at the nature of the woman and ask her preferences. In this case, it is not necessary to ask "head," what brand of perfume she likes. You can simply learn by using leading questions, what scents she likes what her natural phenomena admire what season of the year for her preferred. As a result of this "research" there is a certain way that will give a clear idea about the proper flavor.
In any case, whatever perfume was not selected as a result, it should be presented in a dignified manner. This means that the perfume as a gift you should buy only in specialty stores where you can not run into a fake. The bottle should be beautifully packaged and, even if it is an experiment to choose a new flavor, it should not be a "probe." It is not necessary to buy a bottle of 100 ml volume, let it be small bottle 7, 5 or 15 ml. But not minions of 2 or 4 ml. You do not advertise goods, and give to his lady a gift that should appeal to and remember.
No less important is the package itself. If so it is a gift, let it be present in everything from fine fragrance inside to elegant, designer bottle, elegant boxes and cellophane perfectly smooth on the outside.