Party in style Latino

Party in style Latino
 What better way to cheer up than a good party in the style of Latin? Hot dances, interesting cocktails and music that is impossible not to dance - in the winter it will help dispel the longing for a hot summer, and if you have a party in the summer, the warm memories will keep you warm all year round.
 When it comes to Latin American party, it appears that very few people actually imagine that it is. Information about the Latin culture in people living in Russia are rarely complete. Mustachioed men with guitars, Cuban rhythms of salsa and cha-cha-cha, spicy food, but most importantly - fun and there was all smiles. But what is the reality in South America? What image should be created at the party? Better before the planned holiday to try to find out more.

A very important part - it suits. What else is able to create the right atmosphere, no matter how few sombreros, allowing their owners to hide from the hot sun, which beats down siesta just mercilessly. Flowers in their hair, special hairstyles and dresses - ask friends, so they dressed authentically as possible. In any case, take a few pictures with folk costumes and send invitations, along with information about the time and place of the party.

About Latin American cuisine at the Russian people and does a very rough idea. You should know that the most important dishes in it are quite simple. For example, in Mexico the most common dish - a corn tortilla, inside which can be anything: spices, meat, vegetables. In Cuba, people's food is considered beans with meat in Argentina chefs are renowned for their ability to cook simple but very tasty meat dishes. Latin American cuisine is not too complicated, but very appetizing national dishes. Pepper is used everywhere, because Latin America is generally regarded as the birthplace of this plant. The most spicy dishes are prepared in Mexico.

Find some "popular" recipes and cook something special, really appropriate to the spirit of ongoing party. It's easy, and your friends will be pleasantly surprised by the replacement of the usual treats so delicious and simple dishes.

Drinks - this is a special moment. During the meal will be a great solution Serve red wine. Of course, we can not forget about tequila and Cuban rum.

A very important thing - the choice of music. If you do not understand much about Latin American artists, you can find several collections of such music - they are ideal. Do not forget to include in your program the most famous South American familiar songs, such as the soundtrack of the film Desperado or other of your favorite movies.

The greatest advantage of the Latin party that can properly have fun, even if you are not dressed in national costumes, not cooked Mexican dinner and did not acquire Cuban rum. Dancing and smiling, and when all was fun, it can be assumed that the holiday was a success.

Tags: party, holiday, style, Latino