Instead of wrapping paper you can use plain white, to prepare in advance of her. To do this, paint the paper with crayons or make a collage of photos or pictures from magazines. Packaging will be original and will love to bestow, if in its design will be present any details related to his hobby. Can also be as a decoration for packaging use figures in the technique of origami. For example, for a New Year gift box can be glued some paper firs. If you purchased a gift that is already in the box, packing can be wrapped elegant fabric top and bow supplement or postcard.
The next version of the gift wrapping - transparent film. This method is suitable for color as well as bulk items, such as vases, cups. For this film lay on the table, and put in the middle of a gift, now connect the ends of the film on him and tie them with ribbons. Complement the design can be easily scarf or ribbon of fabric. Furthermore, over the film wrapping can use light bright fabric. It can be patterned with fine or transparent. The film holds its shape well, and with a cloth wrap acquire more solemn, rich look.
Unique gifts and decoration can make it in a wicker basket. These products come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Pick a basket that is the right size for your gift, place them and pack them with the help of the film. Or you can just decorate the handle baskets elegant bow.
Soft things, like clothes, wrap it in paper and shaped much candy or crackers. This original design will surprise not only to bestow, but other guests.