Artificial Christmas trees presented a large assortment - you can choose any liked tree, starting from a small fir tree, height 30 cm, and ending with a long beautiful 2 meters and above. Before you opt for any option, consider where it will be stored tree and it will be enough space.
An important consideration when choosing an artificial Christmas tree is its assembly. Sold Christmas tree assembly in which the same principle as that of an umbrella. They are convenient to use, but require a lot of space when stored. There is another way to build when each branch separately attached to the trunk. Assembly in which case it takes longer, but it is more convenient to store a tree: an exploded view of it easily fits in a box.
The main characteristic of any tree - is its color. In stores you can find almost any color from traditional green to blue, silver and even pink. In addition, you can buy a tree already with toys.
It is impossible to imagine without a Christmas tree needles. To test the strength of "needles", you need to spend on a branch with his hand against the growth of needles. "Needles" should not crush or crumble, because in this case its lifetime is not long.
Searching information on packaging that fir made of refractory material. High-quality artificial Christmas tree made with special materials, excluding fire - flame retardants.
Please note that the artificial fir can not be doubtful cheap. In addition to high-quality products must be accompanied by a certificate that will be able to confirm the sustainability of the material and its safety for humans.
Be sure to pay attention to the fact of what made material:
Christmas tree made of paper impregnated with a special solution, look very pretty, but the risk ignited by a simple garland. Components that are part of this solution can cause an allergic reaction.
Moulded plastic Christmas tree - the most expensive material. Each branch of a tree cast in its form, and only then is put together.
Artificial Christmas trees made of PVC film, harmless and pleasant look. In addition, they are not as expensive as cast.