Decorating wedding glasses with his own hands can be very simple and enjoyable experience that will not take much of your time. Take two ordinary tall glass, cut a narrow lace and ribbon. Degrease glasses, wiping them with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol, and carefully glue the lace with a transparent universal glue. But leg tie up the ribbon, the color of which will be successfully combined with lace. Glasses for a wedding ready!
Look very original wine glasses, decorated with feathers. Glue a few feathers at the foot of the glass, using a transparent glue, then wrap the leg band, dropping its spiral.
Feathers can be bought in stores offering goods for needlework. They are not only natural colors and painted - blue, pink, bright red.
In stores with accessories can be purchased and small artificial flowers made from fabric. Stick them on the pre-fat-free glasses, garnish with a floral arrangement beads or sequins. Beautiful wedding glasses ready.
Is more difficult
If you are not afraid of difficulties and are willing to spend the time to decorate the glasses from which you drink at the wedding, you can apply the technique of decoupage. Take a napkin with a pattern that you would like to transfer to the glass. Napkin consists of several layers. Separate the top, on which is printed a picture - with it you and will work. Apply the cloth to the glass. Dampen a sponge in PVA glue and gently, starting in the middle and moving to the edges, cut the picture. Allow the product to dry, and then cover it with paint.
You can use a special varnish for decoupage or acquire clear acrylic lacquer.
People who are not deprived artistic gift can paint the wedding glasses. Initially, a special circuit designed to work with glass, draw the outline of the picture and wait until it dries. You can then proceed to the second stage - painting over drawing stained glass paints. Allow product to dry (if you want to speed up this process, dry the glasses hairdryer) and tie up on legs ribbons. Champagne glasses ready.