Preparing for matchmaking
To suit the bride an unforgettable and bright zagotovte symbolic dowry. This figure is in the old days played a significant role for matchmakers. As stated in the rules of courtship, the amount of dowry and quality crafts present in the chest is determined by the skill and diligence of the bride. In our time, the bride suit devoid of formality, but as a symbolic dowry is better to prepare their household, created by the hands of the bride.
Buy a large pumpkin. According to the customs of courtship, exhibiting it to the threshold, the bridegroom came the bride's parents do not like, and gave him the heave-ho. Exhibit pumpkin, of course, should not be, but it will remind presence matchmakers that they should be active to pumpkin became a formidable character. Cover with a good table. In cooking, it is desirable to take part of the bride.
Rite matchmaking
Matchmakers from the bride, meeting guests should ask about the purpose of their arrival, but not direct, and allegorical phrases directly without naming the subject matter. Guests indicate the strengths of the groom and his virtue, and then they ask the bride's parents.
Matchmakers are free to set the tone of the conversation, following the rules of etiquette and asking questions that definitely will get a good response, or make an ironic conversation.
Now comes the time to praise her daughter. Matchmakers are asked to podkovyrkoy. The old "bring down the price" for the bride. Modern matchmaking script can be very cheerful and not offensive, because parents are willing to pay in advance to marry his daughter.
When the two men are happy with how the suit, they ask them to reveal the bride. A girl needs to prepare for this day and to dress decently and modestly. Previously, special costumes for this case is not sewn, but the bride was dressed in the richest clothes that emphasized be girls, but was not calling. On the day of matchmaking girl should behave politely, do not drink alcohol and less talk. The bride and groom on the day of matchmaking could not even sit down, much less discussed about any kisses and privacy.
During courtship, be sure to treat guests, focusing on the fact that the most delicious cooked hands of the bride.
Matchmakers matchmaking asking the manner of a maid to show their skills in practice, for example, to shine wash dishes, sweep the floors, pet shirt. After praising the work of the matchmaker bride. Then the bride's relatives asked whether they are satisfied groom. Matchmaker groom also expressed the view of the groom and his parents approve of the bride. Then the parents of the young raises the cup for the connection of families and gave gifts matchmakers work.