The most common types of yoga

The most common types of yoga
 Yoga - a multifaceted and holistic theory of knowledge of the world and himself. For many centuries, the system was closed because the real yoga with this doctrine reached unprecedented power. Yoga - a precise and specific teaching, in which many of the techniques and methodologies. They allow you to open all inherent in human ability to realize their potential and develop the body. Plunging into yoga, one begins to live a new vibrant life more meaningful and complete. This doctrine allows you to develop yourself, improve your health, find a hardy and strong body. Also with the help of yoga a person can realize themselves in all areas of human activity. And what are the directions of yoga there than they differ from each other, and what type of yoga you choose? Read about it in the women's online magazine JustLady.

In facttypes of yoga a lot, as much as human manifestations of life. The main, ie the classic varieties include yoga kriya yoga hut yoga, pranayama, mantra-yoga, meditation. Each of these types of systems aimed at the development of body and mind, finding a clear mind and honed intellect. These yoga - a sort of foundation on which developed numerous branches, some of the more complex and voluminous.

The most common types of yoga

Hatha yoga consists of a series of exercises, including asanas (static body postures), pranayama (breathing practices), relaxation, meditation. A set of exercises of hatha yoga develops flexibility, strength, human, stretching. The complexity of thisdirections Yoga for beginners is that it is difficult at first held in a static position, and practically impossible to get them relaxed. This is understandable, because usually in yoga come completely untrained people, so at first they feel uncomfortable and unpleasant sensations. JustLady assures you that this is only the beginning. Over time, when you really begin to learn and work, you will not experience any discomfort from practice. Thiskind of Yoga best suited leisurely people who fit everything thoroughly. If you are thinking over,what kind of yoga to chooseAnd know that you like the slow class, and you have to have enough patience and perseverance, I advise you to pay attention on hatha yoga. You may find yourself just in it.

Another common type of yoga - Kundalini Yoga ("coiled serpent"). Thinking over what kind of yoga to choose to develop flexibility and strength, and keep in mind this is a direction of yoga. The magazine JustLady you can read about the features of this practice.

The most common types of yoga

Kundalini Yoga is suitable for anyone. The gist of it is to perform a pose and hold it as long as possible. However, the practice also includes dynamic exercises and meditation, breathing techniques and chanting of mantras. The basis of the practice of Kundalini Yoga put the sequence of exercises and relaxation (kriya), which are aimed at achieving a particular goal. At the end of each practice is performed meditation that harmonizes the energy flow, awakened exercises.

What type of yoga to choose girls who prefer a dynamic and fast paced exercises? I advise you to think about Ashtanga yoga. His vigorous pace is somewhat similar to aerobics. Is Thisdirection of yoga consists of a series of poses that are performed in a certain sequence and breathing rhythm. However, keep in mind that Ashtanga yoga requires good physical shape, but because untrained people it will be difficult to deal with. The practice consists of eight stages of static-dynamic, interconnected movements. At the same time during each exercise should be to concentrate on a certain point of view. This is a very good practice for the accumulation of energy in the body.

For those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, perfect a direction of yoga, Iyengar yoga, named after its creator. The main feature of this is that the right performance of asanas: each must be held strictly allotted time, the transition from one pose to another should be smooth. Iyengar and Kundalini -the most common types of yoga, The first is suitable for even the most untrained beginners because practice begins with the simplest asanas. After regular exercise your body will become flexible and strong, and the normal state of mind.

But the practice of Bikram yoga is performed in a room heated to 40, 5 gr. C. The effect of this form of yoga is achieved due to the fact that all of the body are derived toxins. Practice performed for 90 minutes while the key 26 performed. However, there are some limitations, and before tackling this yoga, you need to consult a doctor: not everyone can train at a high temperature.

Teachings of yoga is so multifaceted that everyone will find their niche in it: and pregnant women, and children, and people with disabilities, and people with chronic diseases. Before choosing any particular branch of yoga, you can try several types. You are sure to understand exactly what direction "your." Start a new life with yoga - the path of perfection of body and mind, the disclosure of their abilities!

 Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady