Terms meditation

Terms meditation
 Modern psychologists offer people a huge variety of techniques, allowing to form positive thinking and deal with stress. However, the most effective and recognized worldwide method of dealing with stress is meditation. For thousands of years it has established itself as the best way to distract from unpleasant thoughts, focusing on the essentials, the harmonization of its internal state, relieve tension and improve health.

In order to learn to relax and bring your mental state in order with the help of meditation, no need to learn specific techniques, it is enough to learn a few basic rules of mental concentration, remaining unchanged since ancient times.

Meditation to choose the most quiet and peaceful place in the whole house, where no one can stop you. The easiest way to learn to meditate while sitting, but not necessarily for it to sit in the lotus position, the position can be anything, as long as it was convenient and allowed to concentrate on your body. Sitting in meditation is necessary to directly and, at the same time relaxed. The back should be straight, and head and neck should be a continuation of her, lying on the same line. Completely relax the muscles of the face and body, consistently paying attention to every muscle.

Then, when you reach the desired degree of relaxation, focus on your breathing. Need to breathe nose, and breathing should be rhythmic and uniform. Do not change the rate of breathing, listen to it and try to ensure that when inhaling rose belly and not the chest. Breathe with closed eyes for 20-25 minutes.

Do not think about anything other than just relaxation. Leave all your worries for later, now concentrate primarily on their feelings. When meditation is complete, do not immediately jump up and continue interrupted case. Out of the relaxed state should be gradually and slowly, so that the body did not feel the shake.

Sometimes in meditation, you can use additional items that help enter into a state of maximum concentration, for example, a burning candle. Looking at the flames for 20 minutes, you can easily change your state of mind in the right direction. You can focus on anything, and eventually, when you gain experience, you can focus not only on any thing, or on your own breathing, but also on their own positive emotions.

Tags: meditation