Terms and varieties Japa Yoga

Terms and varieties Japa Yoga
 Japa yoga, Hindu practice based on meditative chanting of mantras and does not require physical exertion, it is considered an easy way of knowing God. When reading the mantras used beads called japa-mala, which consists of 108 beads. Analogue Japa Yoga in Christianity is the practice of prayer with a rosary.

Japa yoga is divided into 4 types: baykhari (sound), upanshu (whispering) manasika (mentally) and Likhi (writing).

Terms baykhari require recitation of the mantra aloud that forms the mental stability, promotes charging of its energy and helps a person find peace.

When pronouncing the mantra upanshu whisper, it should hear only the whispering. Upanshu more subtle effect on the human mind.

Successfully mastered baykhari and upanshu is allowed to start practicing manasika japa. This is even more subtle technique is most common in India, it is designed to bring a person to enlightenment.

Likhi, japa, designed to have mastered the previous types of japa mantra is writing down hundreds of times the smallest letters with red, blue, or green ink.

Before reading japa is necessary to choose a mantra or the name of God, it is best to do it guru. Mantra should be repeated every day from 108 to 1080 times, which ranges from one to ten laps on beads. Beads need to roll the middle finger and thumb of the right hand, the use of the index finger is strictly prohibited. Ensure that the beads are not hanging from the waist down, they should be kept at heart level or nose. It is forbidden to cross the crown (Meru) beads, reaching it should come back. You should not look at the beads and show them to other people, for that they cover clean handkerchief, which must be washed daily.

Read japa mentally, combining repetition with any work. If reading something distracting, allowed some time to read aloud or in a whisper, then again need to go back to the mental repetition.

Before the morning recitation is necessary to wash the body, face and mouth. Japa is repeated in any free time, but it is preferable to do it in the morning, at noon and in the evening. Combining japa with rhythmic breathing (pranayama), meditation is best on a form or a picture of your deity, thinking about the meaning of this mantra. Each syllable mantra pronounce correctly and clearly, the pace of reading does not change.

His guru-mantra should not be open to anyone, is also prohibited to ask things of the world. Japa read sitting facing east or north, keeping silent and not succumbing to feelings of anxiety, it is best in a secluded place in nature or in a special room intended for meditation.

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