How to sit in the lotus

How to sit in the lotus
 Lotus Pose - One of the main provisions of meditation in yoga. Sanskrit is called Padmasana lotus posture. This yoga pose helps improve the condition of the knee, ankle, and is useful for the thighs, helps in the treatment of scoliosis, rheumatism, has a positive effect on the liver, heart, intestines, lungs, stomach.

Take the lotus position without preparation is very difficult. First, you need to stretch your muscles and joints of the feet. Sit on the floor, pull the left leg, right bend in the knee. Knead hands, each finger of the right leg. Use your fingertips to knead the inner and outer surface of the foot. Rub palms bottom - up calf muscles and thighs. Use your fingertips to remember the knee joint, but do not touch the area below the knee.


Sit on the floor, pull the left foot, right foot, place the foot on the left thigh. Stop right leg at the same time the most twisted inner surface of the top. Hold the foot with your left hand and the right hand press down on the same knee, trying to bring it to the floor as possible. Do the exercise for 15-20 seconds. Change legs places.


Sit on the floor with your legs extended, arms overhead. Inhale, stretch the crown up, stretching the spine, exhale and lower your upper body to the legs. Keep your back straight, breathe stomach, hands, try to reach out to the stop. Hold the pose for 15 seconds. On the inhale, return to the original position, pull the crown up and lower your arms.


Get on your knees, feet position as far as possible from each other. Sit on the floor between the heels, lean hands behind on the floor, leaning back on the breath as long as the back all the way down. Put your hands on your stomach, your eyes close up, breathe evenly. Try to relax as much as possible in this position. After 15-20 seconds, helping himself with his hands raised in the original position.


Sit on the buttocks, knees bend, connect the feet and place them as close to the groin. Push your hands on your knees, so they approached as close as possible to the floor. Raise your hands up, inspiratory pull the top and as you exhale, lower your upper body to the floor. Do not bend your back, breathe evenly. After 20 seconds, the inspiration back to the starting position.


Sit in the lotus position. Put your right foot on the left thigh and left foot gently pull up and put it on the right thigh. If the position for the first time, it can cause discomfort and even pain. In this case, are in the Lotus a few seconds, and then exit the posture exercise the leg muscles and joints. Daily exercise can help make the muscles more elastic and joints flexible, and lotus posture becomes habitual.

Useful Tips

Do not worry if you did not work the first time to sit in the lotus position. Continue classes daily and after a few days you will master it.

Tags: leg, lotus posture, training