How to deal with on a fitball

How to deal with on a fitball
 This big ball in almost every good gym. But use it a little, because most visitors do not know what is the use of feetball. Many people believe that exercise it - self-indulgence, and in fact this is not true. Fitball can be an excellent addition to any strength training.
 The main quality of a large gymnastic ball - instability and mobility. Using it as a prop, you load the muscles of the core. This group of muscles responsible for stabilizing the body. A strong core - a strong loin, taut abs and slim waist. In addition, exercise on fitball reduce the load on the spine. With Fitball can perform any exercises that need support for the body, it can be replaced gymnastic bench or floor.

Use fitball as a prop while twisting. Lie on your back on the ball, legs slightly apart and dissolve well Abut the floor. Your knees should be bent. Get your hands behind your head. Take a breath, tighten your abs and lift your shoulders and shoulder blades. Do not push your head forward with his hands. At the uppermost point of the pause for two seconds, then exhale slowly return to its original position.

The same position can perform lateral twisting. Try to pick up not both blades at once, and in turn - then right, then left. Elbows should be widely separated.

Fitball - Excellent support for various bridges. These exercises are aimed at developing the hamstrings and buttocks.

Lie down on the gym mat. Shin put on fitball, knees bend. Hold your feet on fitball, lift your pelvis to the thigh and the body is a straight line. Hold the top point and return to starting position. To complicate the exercise, try doing bridge relying only on one leg.

To study the lower press, too, can use the ball. Take the emphasis lying. Arms straight, hands slightly ahead of the shoulders. Shin put on fitball. Push your body, tighten the stomach and pinch the blade. The body forms a straight line with your feet. Inhale and bring your knees toward the chest, rolling the ball. Do not pull the legs too close, otherwise it will be difficult to return to the opposite position. Do not bend the waist. On the exhale, slowly return to starting position.

To complicate this exercise, try to pull the ball without bending your knees. At the extreme end, your body will resemble an inverted V.

From the same position, with the support legs on the fitball, follow the normal push-ups. This will allow you to work the chest muscles and triceps. On the ball must be the only ankle. The greater part of the body is held in the air, the greater the strain on your arms and chest. Lower body straight, bending your elbows and trying to touch the breasts of sex.

Use fitball as an unstable surface when engaging with dumbbells. Instead of the usual rack, take the ball and perform the same exercises for the arms and shoulders.

Pick up a dumbbell. Sitting on the ball, bend your legs at the knees and widely arrange. Raise your hands to your shoulders. In turn, straighten arms, raising dumbbells over head. Lifting - inhale, exhale lowering.

Creative imagination. Turn on fitball in its training program, and you will notice results.

Tags: exercise ball, exercise, fitball