Water aerobics for pregnant women

 The body of a pregnant woman runs for two, so it is very painful and sharply reacts to the lack of movement from worsening mood to serious deterioration samochuvstviya.Krome, the health of the unborn baby depends on the health of the mother during pregnancy. It is obvious that engage in regular physical exercise in a delicate position is not only impossible, but also very dangerous. Nevertheless, all modern doctors agree that a woman should do aerobics to prepare yourself for childbirth and child. The best way out of this situation is water aerobics for pregnant women, it's about her today will tell you a women's magazine JustLady.

In the category Health: Climate change, acclimation, acclimatization symptoms acclimatization children

Living Water

Water aerobics for pregnant women - This is the best alternative to the usual fitness. Basic exercises in the pool based on the strength of the water resistance, which provides support for the body, so can be very accurately dosed load on individual muscle groups without overtaxing wherein the entire body.

Water will help pregnant women relax, calm down and relieve tension and stress. In addition, the implementation of a special set of exercises will help the expectant mother to avoid edema, improve overall health, elevate mood and even normalize sleep, which often violates the restless baby. The water temperature in the pool will allow women to avoid overheating of the body.

Exactlywater aerobics for pregnant women Women will prepare the body for childbirth, as well as help to come to them after the tone.

Water aerobics for pregnant women

Say "no" excess weight!

Most often, doctors strongly recommend aerobics moms for obvious reasons, some women gain too many extra pounds during the months of pregnancy. But we all know that water significantly reduces weight and a woman may feel as light and airy as before delivery.

Women's magazine JustLady confidently declares: thatwater aerobics for pregnant women will help the expectant mother to get rid of all unnecessary materials and easier to adjust to the needs of the baby, which increase with each passing day. All products of metabolism and burn through actively excreted in the classroom because the exercises are based on the active work of the muscles in conjunction with mild lack of oxygen.

Water has a damping effect, so a woman in a position to be quite easy to do exercises, even on the contrary - it's nice. But this is so important - positive emotions during pregnancy.

Baby, can you hear me?

You've probably thought about what happens to the baby during class. Women's magazine JustLady answer to this question. When immersed in water, the woman begins to feel the baby light the lack of oxygen. This prompts him to begin to move faster and more active, and therefore does not allow the child to lie too long in one place. Moreover, this kid will have partly physically prepared for a new life outside the womb, a baby is born more strong and healthy.

Doctors say that if the unborn baby is periodically faced with a situation of lack of air, it will greatly increase the likelihood of fast, easy birth without harm to the child. Just when a woman lying on her back, the weight of the uterus will block the artery and vein, which is responsible for the delivery of oxygen the baby, the baby will not choke passively, and "remembering" the exercise of the pool will actively move in search of an exit.

In this way,water aerobics for pregnant women Women not only helps them, but also prepare for childbirth baby receives the full.

Water aerobics for pregnant women

The entire pregnancy with sports!

And doctors and trainers definitely say thatwater aerobics for pregnant women Women useful at any stage, the difference is only in the intensity of the load. Well, of course, much depends on the attitude of the future moms. Remember that any lessons can be carried out only if the woman is in a good mood and feeling well.

First trimester - when attaching the membranes egg to the uterus. If a pregnant woman has no serious contraindications to sports loads, then let these weeks will be the most active. If fully engaged aqua aerobics in the first trimester, the risk to gain extra pounds in the future is practically reduced to zero.

The second trimester - the most blessed time for training, because these weeks for pregnant women are the most calm. You can do aqua fitness intensively.

Third trimester - nearing childbirth, so both doctors and trainers are strongly encouraged to give it time breathing exercises and a relaxing swim.

To summarize

Let us summarize all this knowledge: what giveswater aerobics for pregnant women?

First, a woman prepares for the upcoming birth, helping to learn how to regulate breathing, as well as improving overall muscle tone.

Secondly, water and exercises a very beneficial effect on the circulatory system: the blood flow is facilitated in the abdomen and the lower limbs; significantly improves the cardiovascular and respiratory systems; normal blood circulation throughout the body.

Third, significantly improves the process of metabolism, pregnancy is easier.

Fourth, the positive changes in the nervous system. Classes improve mood, raise self-esteem, help normalize sleep, relieve fatigue and stress.

Fifth, regular classes during the whole period of pregnancy to help young mom regain its shape after birth quickly and without exhausting exercise.

In this way,water aerobics for pregnant women ennobles future mother in many ways, but at the same time helps the baby. The main thing to keep in mind that before you begin any exercise, it is better to consult a doctor and instructor.

 Irina Doborovich
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: gender, pregnancy, exercise