Walk helpful

Walk helpful
 If you have no time to maintain your body in order, if all your power goes to the household, if your salary is too low to pay for fitness - do not despair. There is a way to tighten muscles, improve cardiovascular system, lose weight and do not spend a penny. It is about walking.

It is believed that running is good for health, and walking - just pleasant. In fact, both types of training - it is a beautiful view of aerobic exercise at which calories are burned, and trains the cardiovascular system. The choice depends on the general physical condition.

If you have back problems, high blood pressure or a significant overweight - it is better to abandon the run and do intense walking. Besides running imposes greater demands on the technique of execution, if you have never done running, then most likely, not very well put your foot. This increases the probability of getting at least slightly, but injury.

Generally, unlike jogging, walking is much less traumatic. No matter how you tried to run smoothly, while running the body is subjected to considerable shock loads. Currently in the United States came into vogue a new type of fitness - powerwalk, or brisk walking.

Watching and walking whenever possible, without singling out special time for training. Refuse to travel by public transport, walk two or three stops on foot, and your body will get the necessary boost of energy and muscles the right load.

Begin walking with a slow walk and gradually increase the pace. Walking is a natural movement, it is not necessary to learn. You can not buy special athletic shoes, only if it was just convenient.

In order to withstand the right pace, you can sing to yourself or listen to music from your phone.
Hiking three to five times a week - a sure way to lose excess weight. Of course, it is best to walk in those places where there is an opportunity not just to wind kilometers, but also to breathe clean air and get aesthetic pleasure from the natural environment. Walks in parks or squares allow you to take quite long routes without noticing the time and fatigue.

Choose to walk places with rough terrain: even small climbs and descents increase energy consumption in two or three times. It's a great load for all the leg muscles. Within three months you will notice how your tightened thighs and buttocks. Perhaps you did not know, but one of the most effective exercises for buttocks - walking at a slow pace over the surface with a slight slope.

Walking the perfect tool to combat the most important illnesses twenty-first century: stress and physical inactivity. A five minute walk significantly increases blood levels of the hormone of joy - of serotonin. Walking on a sunny day will allow you to saturate the skin sunny vitamin D. Increases oxygen supply to the brain cells, the level of concern and anxiety, improves memory and the ability to perceive.

In short, brisk walking is also useful, like running - but it is much nicer, more solid and safer.

Tags: weight, pressure, energy, plane, charge, slope, walk, walking