The Most Dangerous Sports

 Summer - time physical activity. Burst of energy, the sun until late evening, total relaxation at work - the circumstances have to drygonozhestvu and rukomashestvu. All rush to buy bicycles, corporate tickets to the football field or becoming less elitist golf. All this is terribly fun and cool, given the possible risks.

Forbs.kom compiled a list of the most fraught with sports injuries by analyzing the statistics of America.

The most dangerous of all -basketball (Two years ago after playing in the hospital was more than half a million Americans of both sexes and of all ages). Then, by a small margin -cycling andAmerican football (We have it is less popular, but no less traumatic).

Innocent victims lovers scooters and minibike and sustainable kradrotsiklov was less than half of basketball - 274,000 vs. 529. But this is due, apparently, is not the fact that basketball is more dangerous, and the fact that this kind of leisure activities more popular.

Injuries happen very different: some fellow basketball team got an elbow in the mouth, someone broke a hip, turned over with the ATV.

It might seem strange that cyclists are in hospital beds with head injuries more often than minibaykery lovers or several aggressive sports like basketball. No wonder - said Betsy Van Dai (Betsy van Die), Director of Public Relations

American Association of Neurological Surgeons (American Association of Neurological Surgeons): Once outside the sports ground, where there are certain rules of safety requirements for clothing and equipped space, people, left to themselves, much less careful.

For example, when a child rides a bike on the area - even if to persuade him to wear a helmet and protection, it is impossible to follow, not whether he will remove it as soon disappear from the parent view.

Specialists Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) estimated that about 85 percent of head injuries could be prevented if the victim was wearing, as expected, a helmet.

The danger of basketball and other active team games that players often collide with each other. For example, basketball enthusiasts injury often occurs when a jump to the basket - the players collide in the air, or press down each other.

This is especially dangerous if they differ with the level of athletic training or physical form. If, during a corporate "Health Day" at the same site would a woman in the prime of life, and yesterday's average fatness institute champion team, consisting of solid bone - in a collision will get both.

People are sociable and interesting unsportsmanlike play football for the company, rather than engage in the gym. But we must take into account the overall level of fitness, and if so colleagues or friends shot down command, and you also want to play with them - best to catch up in the gym.

With age, the body is "forgive" much less abrupt movements than before. Active sports with jumps, sharp emission limbs, etc. require flexible ligaments or adequate heating. So, for example, Achilles tendon injuries in those over twenty, are much less likely than those who are about forty.


Of course, everything can not be foreseen, but to reduce the risk of injury is not so difficult.

• If you ride through the city on a bicycle, rollerblading or moped - wear a helmet, protection, and follow the road.
• do without music! Player in my ears hurt to hear the noise of an approaching car or suspicious noises in their own wheels.
• Make sure that all the wheel funds were in good condition, bolts tightened, tires inflated and intact.
• In ball games or tear him headfirst: the professionals it looks impressive, but the amateur can lose your balance and hurt "be screwed."
• If you decide to play sports just this summer - take the time for a daily charge: it will help you become a little more flexible, better start to feel your own body and deal with sports loads.
• Active sports - not the best way to fight obesity: those extra pounds and so create extra stress on the joints and the heart. It is better to first try to lose some weight, and then actively and happily keep fit and keep trying.
• Do not engage in sports, if you are tired; if so, you can overcome itself - it is better to swim or walk a couple of miles through the park, rather than run.
• warm up before a workout or game, especially if you are no longer twenty years. Joints and ligaments must be heated.
• Do not engage in if you are hot or stuffy - Take care of the heart.

In most of these councils is nothing crafty: common sense. Often to let him move in, and you do not have to listen to "What were you thinking when removed his helmet (riding in the player, fled to putting up sneakers)! "From some local version of Gregory House.

Tags: football, sports, danger