Step aerobics. Exercises step by step

 For several years, step aerobics has a leading position in the market of fitness services. Let us remember themselves, this kind of group programs appeared in one of the first Russian. Everything, even the low club offering lessons with step-platforms. This is easily explained.

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Step Aerobics quite the inexpensive kind of fitness. In order to deal with them, you need to buy just one step platform that will last several years. You can engage in both at home and in the club (and absolutely in any case).

Besides the fact that it is a very practical kind of fitness is probably worth mentioning also that it is very effective. Well, let's mention.

Step Aerobics belongs to a class of aerobic exercise (or as it is now fashionable to say, cardio workout). The essence of aerobic exercise is that performing certain moves at a fast pace for a long time, we load the heart muscle, causing the body to consume more oxygen. Oxygen helps to burn body fat. From this we get that cardio load: a) strengthen the heart; b) promote fat burning. Well, is not it?

In step aerobics as repetitive movements serve a variety of steps on a special platform. Steps are performed both by themselves and with additional elements: turns, jumps. As weighting used dumbbells or body bars. In general,engage in step aerobics only difficult at first, even when you do not know the basic movements. Over time, all the movements are stored, and exercise turns into joy. Despite the fact that the basic steps are easy to remember, your classes will not be routine. Variants of their combinations are countless, and they are limited only by the imagination coach.

If you are not near a coach, but there is a step-platform, can bestart the course at home. Turn the music louder, and to start a climb on a step platform, alternately changing feet. Try to get into the rhythm and remember that the foot should not fall off the platform, put it completely.

JustLady below describes some basic steps that can be purchased by combining beautiful figure and high spirits.

Basic Steps:

• Stand on the platform of the right foot, and put to her left. Then the first lower right leg to the floor, then left. This movement can be performed any time or only one leg, or changing the legs through each step.

• Stand on the platform with one leg, the other leg lift, but do not put on the platform. Then put a broken foot on the floor and remove the working platform.

• Stand on the platform of the working leg while the other leg bend at the knees and lift forward. Straighten it and put it on the floor, remove the working leg from the platform. Change legs.

• Stand on the platform of the working leg, the other leg bend at the knee and try to touch the buttocks stupnёy. Straighten, put it on the floor and remove the working leg from the platform.

• Stand on the platform right foot, putting it slightly to the side. Place the left to it, so that the legs on the platform were slightly wider than shoulder width (remember, the heel should not hang down). Socks turned outwards. Remove the left foot, then right. Repeat, changing feet.

• Stand on the platform of the working leg, the other leg take aside. Release on the floor, remove the working leg.

All exercises are performed to the music at least 15 minutes, combining the basic steps and coming up with your own. Actively work with your hands and keep your back straight. The optimal frequency of sessions 3 times a week for 40-60 minutes. Do not forget to start training with warm-up and stretching to finish. You can combine step aerobics with any other kinds of fitness.

Anna Kirikova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: Photos, exercise