
 In their desire to be beautiful and healthy you have reviewed a lot of techniques, some of them tried on myself and have seen their ineffectiveness, others do not come to you because of the multitude of contraindications? Then it's time to get acquainted with a unique system called Qigong. Women's magazine JustLady tell about simple and, at the same time, effective exercises that are available to everyone. These exercises have no contraindications for age, is not important here, and physical training. Anyone can using Qigong achieve amazing results in promoting health, improving immunity, giving her slender figure and, just as importantly, to stabilize the emotional state.

To understand the principle, which is basedQigong, A women's magazine JustLady offers do not treat it as a sport and as an art.

"Qigong" - a name that took place from the merger of two Chinese characters - "Qi" and "Gong", denoting respectively the "energy" and "regulation, control." Despite the fact that the method is based on proper breathingQigong exercises performed with the three objects of regulation: respiration, body position and consciousness. In general in the Chinese health practices consciousness always given special attention.

In China, believe that there are three types of "chi" - heaven, earth and human. Because human "Qi" depends largely on the earthly and heavenly, their union has a direct impact on the fate. Based on this postulate many medical and wellness treatments. Buddhists use the energy of "chi" for meditation and as a means to enlightenment of the soul. In order to understand the philosophy of Qigong, it takes years of hard work. The knowledge gained as a result of centuries of studies of vital energy, are used successfully today in non-traditional Chinese medicine - in massage, herbal medicine, acupuncture. One of the directions based on the ability of man to control his life isQigong.

 Qigong for Health

Positive aspects of the influence of Qigong on health can talk a lot and will still be some innuendo. Today, hospitals are not only China but also all over the world use breathingQigong as the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases. In combination with massage it is used in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, in addition, we have shown that children who engage in Qigong, less prone to colds and viral diseases.

Problems with the digestive system, with vessels and many other systems of the body successfully dockedQigong exercises. Simple in design, they are able to recover the body, improve its protective properties and rejuvenate. About how gentle Qigong technique works on the body, can be judged by the fact that it can deal with even pregnant women, and, regardless of gestational age. In this case, they have reduced toxicity manifestations, eliminated the threat of miscarriage, reduces swelling. If there are no complications after birth, then after one - two weeks you can start reducing exercises. However, do not do it unchecked.

 Qigong for slim figure

Gymnastics Qigong not like the performance of a conventional set of exercises. This smooth movements, which are aimed at the elaboration of all the muscles. The absence of serious physical activity - not the only advantage, which differsQigong from other complexes. There are fewer limitations and contraindications and effectiveness of exercise is much higher due to the fact that tissues addition, thanks to the special breathing system with oxygen, the burning of fat occurs naturally. By and large, the account,Qigong exercises not aimed specifically at weight loss. Their goal - improvement of all systems and organs of the body. A healthy body with normal metabolism is not prone to the accumulation of adipose tissue. It is worth noting that, doing Qigong, you have to limit yourself to some culinary tastes. However, this is not the diet. The basis of power, according to the method of Qigong is the harmony of the five tastes: sweet, spicy, bitter, sour and salty. Based on this principle, all Chinese, so loved by us in recent years, so that there are no problems with the rejection of fat and high-calorie foods people choose for themselvesQigong exercisesTypically do not.

 Qigong for maintaining mental and emotional balance

The basis of Qigong exercise is conscious relaxation. According to the research,Qigong reduces the activity of the nervous system, making the body's responses to external stimuli significantly weakened. Comes a sense of peace, and the tension disappears.

Harmony of body and soul - so you can call the human condition, without going into the description of physiological and biochemical processes in the body. Under normal conditions a person experiences the seven senses: joy, sadness, anger, fear, sadness, reflection and fear. Qigong task - to learn to manage these feelings. Long stay in one of the emotional states can provoke disease. Any mental stimulation can carry with psychological trauma, so the ability to manage emotions - is the key not only mental stability, but also physical health.

Women's magazine JustLady told you about this kind of unique Chinese technique, which isQigong so that you can find the best solution for themselves their own harmonization. There are many things that we do not understand, but if there is a way to become a better, freer, stronger physically and spiritually, then pay attention to it should fail.

Elena Raichenko
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: waist, exercise, gymnastics, body, Qigong