
 Pump-aerobics is called a variety of fitness. It appeared in the early 90-ies of the last century. Came up with her athlete from New Zealand named Phillip Mills. Originally Mills spent his training in gyms, but after a while they started to use in ordinary sports clubs. Training began to enjoy great popularity among women, and eventually became a Pump-fitness female sports.

In the rubric Aromatherapy: aromakulony

To datePump-aerobics uses all kinds of presses and push-ups and a clear emphasis on weight. No, not body weight, and the weight of the rod with which you train. Note that the minimum weight for women, with whom they have to spend the rest of the workout is 2 kilograms.

Bmemory -aerobike each individual activity, primarily aimed at to work out all muscle groups. The body takes the form of relief and pumped up, its contours become clarity and weight remains in place. If you have never visited the gym or a fitness - room, but want to do sports to keep yourself in good shape, professional sports trainers recommend starting training with itPump-aerobics.

Furthermore,Pump-aerobics recommended to engage people who have back problems. Training must attend 2 times a week, not more. As during exercise goes a very large load on the muscles, they need time to rest. Each session lasts no more than one hour at a different pace. Over time, the lessons will be given easier and make you hardy.

In training very carefully make sure that as a coach performs exercises, and try as closely as possible to repeat them. Your prompter will be pain. During the lessons will be whining muscles, but not much. You can feel it in my legs and arms. Remember, if you are aching muscles with only one arm or leg, it means you are not properly perform exercises. Be sure each workoutPump-aerobics begins with a warm-up. During the warm-up run some of the training exercises, but with much less repetitive and body weight is a bar.

Each strength training ends with stretching muscles. Stretching helps to rid the muscles of lactic acid, helps to relax the body and reduce pain.


A few examples of exercises aerobics Pump

Squats. Take the bar and put it on his shoulders, holding hands on top. Lean on your heels and pelvis pull back. Bend your knees. Need to squat so that the thighs were parallel to the floor. The back should be straight, eyes looking forward. Need to climb, too, relying on the heels, legs not fully straighten.

Chest Press should be done while lying on a special bench designed for this purpose, or on the degree, pre-bed mat. Lie down, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor. In the hands of the bar. Arms straight and are above the line chest. Bend your arms, elbows pointing to the side. Bending angle should be 90 degrees. Bar dip into the middle of the chest, exhale and lift it up again.

French press in Pampa aerobics. Just as in the previous exercise, lie down on the step. The back and shoulder blades are firmly pressed against the steppe. Feet flat on the floor. Spread them to the width of the shoulders and bend your knees. The rod is secured in the hands of a narrow grip, and the hands are pointing straight up. Hands bent at the elbows, and the bar is lowered to the level of the forehead. Raft return arms to the starting position, but not until the end of straightening. Make sure that your elbows and shoulders are parallel. Make sure that the waist is not detached from the platform.

Do not worry, that in the beginning, when you only had to deal withPump-aerobicsYou will hand over the post 10-pound, and you can not even pick it up. First you train with only one stamp, without pancakes. After a while you will gain muscle relief, you will begin to wear on the neck weighting and increase the number of repetitions at a time.

Such training suitable for people of both sexes. These classes are suitable for people who dream of having a beautiful, muscular body with good relief, but they do not like the gym.Pump-aerobics ideal for women who do not like to dance, love and power loads. But such training can not deal with people who have had a spinal injury, joints or who have varicose veins.

Clothing for employment should be comfortable for you. Sweat pants, T-shirt, sneakers. It is desirable that the sneakers were designed specifically for fitness, they help eliminate ankle injury.

All workouts are always with musical accompaniment. Music and rhythm sets, and much more pleasant to deal with the music. If you have a lot of weight, but you want to lose it and give relief to your body, the coach recommended to alternate trainingPump-aerobics with cardio. Let's say, once a week you do the classic aerobics oncePump-aerobicsAnd once the dance aerobics. This mode is very quick to help you lose weight and build yourself a beautiful body. Each person before training instructor determines the personal burden.

 Natalia Garkavenko
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: program, training, bar, pampas