Lose Weight on a treadmill

Lose Weight on a treadmill
 You have decided to study at home on the treadmill. This is a good choice. Modern simulators were comfortable with a predetermined program, you can choose any mode of running. The main thing - is to understand the settings.

Running - the most effective way to lose weight. Hour jogging helps burn 500 to 900 calories. A one-hour game of tennis will save you from only 370 calories. How did run well to the extra inches around the waist and hips no longer upset you?

Run it regularly, so only the body includes the processes that cause burn those extra pounds and do not come back. The mechanism of fat burning "fire" after 30 minutes of aerobic exercise. Therefore, for beginners running workout should last at least this time. Gradually increase the duration of employment. In order to lose a few pounds, you must run at least two months. If you want to lose weight more than 10 pounds, it is necessary not only to increase the duration of training, but also to raise the load.

Do not start to run fast. No correlation between speed and no dropped pounds. Regular exercise is much more important. In order to correctly pick up the pace of running, get someone else to talk to you during class. If you can run at the same time and talk, and at the same time you will not go astray breath, then the speed of the track is set up properly.

Do not hold while running the handrails. They are only needed for insurance, when the track suddenly stops. Holding on to the railing, you are excluded from the work of a very large group of muscles. A main effect of running is precisely that they are working all the muscles. When accelerating metabolism throughout the body, triggers a synergistic effect.

It is very important when jogging to choose the right shoes. Trainers should be made of breathable material, have a rigid sole, slightly rounded to toe, good arch supports, air cushioning under the heel and the camera pad of his thumb. If while running you feel pain in the ankle after a workout if you feel that you have "pulls" arch of the foot, then picked up the wrong shoes. No matter what you run on the simulator at home, be sure to wear athletic shoes and tight the cord of her.

Those who run on the street, in parks, opt for jogging the morning. In the morning, the air is cleaner, it is not yet time to be filled with exhaust fumes. So the blood gets more oxygen, which will accelerate the metabolism. If you are doing on the treadmill, jogging, choose the time from 17-00 to 19-00. At this point in a woman's highest content of hormones, which also helps to speed up metabolism.
Before you start jogging necessarily do a workout, and after it - stretching exercises. The trauma of a cold stiff muscles or ligaments injury remains at home and on the street.

Tags: training, jogging, jogging, calories