How to make yourself run in the mornings

How to make yourself run in the mornings
 All people dream of being healthy and beautiful, but for some reason it is very difficult to wake up one morning and immediately get to work on, for example, run in the mornings. How can you help yourself to overcome laziness?

First, clearly understand, what do you intend to get up early and run, suffering shortness of breath. Gather as much information about running the utility, see photos of sports people, read advice on how and where to engage in a run. The first and most important condition for success - motivation. If you can clearly imagine what result you want to get to achieve it will be much easier.

Second, listen to your own inner rhythm. All people are divided into larks and owls. If the first does not cost anything to wake up at 5 in the morning and start the day with a run, the owls are likely to be useless torture yourself an early rise. Not awake until the end of the body is not able to run at full capacity, and you just get tired very quickly. Maybe you should move the running for the evening, or other sports.

Prepare the appropriate form and shoes. Clothing must not only be sporty and comfortable, it must be beautiful. You have to like yourself and others, because if you notice yourself admiring glances will become much easier to overcome laziness and unwillingness to run. Also, what clothes should not be made of synthetics and sneakers better to pick up without a platform and non-slip sole.

Find a partner for jogging. Relation to run a lot easier, and if friends and acquaintances are not inclined to engage in sports, you can look for a company announcement or through an online forum.

Load is increased gradually. To begin with you will just walk briskly, especially if you've never played sports. Then runs a short distance, alternating running with walking. Vary your route, not to be bored every day run at the same places. Find out how much the city parks, waterfronts and pick the right path. Be patient. After all, only your persistence able to give you health and beauty.

Tags: morning jog