How to learn in the long jump

How to learn in the long jump
 Long Jump is one of the basic elements of such a sporting as "parkour". In addition, the delivery of standards for the jump part of the school and university curriculum of physical culture, and therefore knowledge of the proper jump technique can be quite important.  
 First of all, is to do preliminary preparation. Start squat: at the same time try to do more with fewer approaches reps - ie if you can squat 100 times without stopping, it will be much better to do exercise with breathing after every 50 squats. In addition, it is useful to go through a training program (such as the Air Alert), which is designed precisely to increase the jump. Do not forget about the development of the shoulder joints - they are an essential part of proper technique.

Stand on the line jump. Slightly bend your knees and pull the arms back, strike a pose similar to the position of the skier. Very throw your arms forward and strongly set jerk his shoulders at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor. At the same time push both feet, first straightening your knees, then - pushing the toes of the feet.

In flight, you need to make an extra spurt, and it can be pushed off from the air. After starting the push you need to be extended forward, in order to become the same flight rearrangement - leg you want to display in front of him, and his hands pull back. This will not only give you more momentum, but will land gently, which is extremely important when you jump on slippery surfaces or thin crossbar.

On landing expose feet in front of him. The enclosure must be at least laid back - you sort of "pulls" to the end point. Once toes touch the floor, standing abruptly pull the hands forward: it will reduce the flight speed (allowing you to land softer and more accurately), and compensate far exposed legs, helping to maintain a balance. "Planting" can be considered a success if you find yourself in a position to immediately make another leap from their seats.

Explore video tutorials on There is lined with many examples of technically correct jump, which looks much clearer in the record.

Tags: location, length, jump, tracer