Harm run

Harm run
 It would seem, running - the most versatile sport. They can be practiced at any age, place and at any time. Running does not cost much to visit gyms and equipment, and health benefits is obvious. However, it is more common to hear the opinion of the dangers of this activity. That is, excuse the lazy or the undeniable fact? Today women's magazine JustLady try to figure out what is the harm of running and whether it can be avoided.

Harm run: joints and spine

This is the first thing that comes to mind. Indeed, the stress on the joints while running pretty strong, especially if you "run away" from excess weight and doing it very clumsily. The belief that race - it's just really confusing. Need to learn to run like any other discipline. If you do not know how to put your feet, at which point it should be separated from the ground up and how to properly lowered back to the ground, can cause great damage to the joints.

The same applies to the spine. If you do not watch posture, rock the body when running in different directions, no spine did not survive. So that,Running harmful? In this case, yes, but with a caveat - is harmful only wrong running. Possess the necessary equipment and can not be afraid of anything.

Harm run

Harm to run for women

There usually focuses on the deterioration of the breast shape and cellulite. Consider the order.
Breast run very harmful in the event that an incorrect technique to add the lack of suitable clothes. By shaking breasts gradually stretch and sag, there may be pain in the chest. Benefit now in sports stores you can find special bras in all sizes, so that the cause can be removed very easily.

But that's not all. It turns out, not so long, it was found that the run could lead to formation of cellulite. How so? After all, we tend to think that jogging contrary relieve us from the orange peel. Not really need to understand this statement so directly. The fact is that cellulite is formed by accumulation of free radicals that, in turn, formed by long exhausting workouts.

Hence it is logical to conclude that run around in moderation, do not overreach.

Damage to the muscles running

Also very frightening statement, if not go into details. Some experts say that jogging lead to a decrease in muscle mass, and what is even worse, to a decrease in heart muscle. This phenomenon is explained simply: a little muscle expends less energy at a higher kickback. As the body tries to get rid of the other muscle tissue, but instead accumulate fat for greater endurance.

However, do not be afraid to stop and jogging. This statement applies to run a marathon when you need to overcome quite a long distance. Again, on any formal research scientists who would confirm this theory to date is not known.

Harm to run for longevity

There is also a theory. Studies have shown a reduction in the life of the athletes for 3-5 years from the average. This is explained by the rapid wear of the body due to the strong and permanent loads.

But I think if you're running for your pleasure, and do not exercise on a daily basis, as the Olympic Games, shortening your life, you are not threatened.

Harm to run in the mornings and evenings

It is alleged that jogging bring the body more harm than good. The fact that the early rise, followed by physical exertion, when the body is still asleep, a lot of stress to the cardiovascular system. She can not cope with the required rate, which can lead to heart attacks and other hazards.

In the evening, too, it is not recommended to run. Your body adjusts to the night's rest and scamper invigorates the contrary, that can cause a sleepless night.

But there is a way out: it is necessary not to run too early, it is desirable that took 4 hours after awakening. In the evening, choose a better time to practice, so that you have at least a couple of hours to calm down after exercise.

Running harm: injury

It makes no sense to argue that running, like any other sport, can lead to injury. But this, in my opinion, the easiest way to cope. As already mentioned, it is necessary to master the technique of running, choose comfortable clothes, as well as a suitable place and time for the run.

If you are going to run on the construction site at midnight, wearing sandals with heels, then from that sport should be abandoned. Subject to the same basic rules of running, I think, no more travmoopasen than a game of chess.

Also do not need to take risks if you feel unwell. Especially do not start jogging alone having any chronic disease. In this case it is better to consult a doctor and begin classes under the guidance of an experienced coach.

Well, perhaps, all that can be said about thethe dangers of running. As you can see, if desired, it is possible to avoid the risk. So, run for health and pleasure.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: organism benefits, harm, spine, decrease the distance