Gymnastics for fun

 We are engaged in fitness, trying to be beautiful and seductive. Slender body is very attractive, no one disputes. But it is especially desirable for a strong half of mankind a woman does not waist or breast size, and skillful possession of intimate muscles.

Object of Desire

Gymnastics for such a special part of the body to someone may seem unromantic. Yes, we love dearly, but we can not say that the body has nothing to do with it. Cherished dream of every one of us - to be the best lover for his beloved. And it always remain, regardless of age and circumstances. This is possible if using special exercises to learn to control the muscles that are responsible for pleasure - and yours, and partner. Then you can ...

* Making love, every time to have an orgasm. The urgency and intensity of the sensations in "inflated" Ladies increases. And is responsible for vaginal orgasm G-spot is stimulated it is most active due to the intimate muscles. Sexologists even "prescribed" Intimate gymnastics patients who have difficulty reaching orgasm.

* Avoid tearing during childbirth and quickly restore them after stretching the fabric, as well as relieve menstrual pain.

* Push the come menopause and quickly adapt to new physiological conditions. Biological age of women depends on hormone production by the ovaries. This occurs when there is sufficient blood flow to them, aided by the work of the next muscle. No wonder the eastern women, youth, learning the art of belly dancing and Technology intimate gymnastics, reproductive period longer than European women.

* And of course, the man to deliver more fun. And even without his active participation. To achieve such mastery will take a lot of time and effort. But if you ask for, and exercise regularly, your efforts will be well rewarded.

The good doctor Kegel

Inventor intimate gymnastics believe the German physician Arnold Kegel. Although, if you look, Japanese, Chinese girls, a Greek and Egyptian several millennia ago owned equipment sexual exercise in perfection. But Mr. Kegel developed specific exercises for medical purposes.

Tried it primarily for their patients who suffer from serious problems like uterine prolapse or urinary incontinence. Later showed up and the unusual effect of such activities, which greatly expanded the scope of their application. Intimate gymnastics doctors began to recommend to all the ladies who want to not only improve their women's health, but also to diversify sexual relations.

The essence of the most common exercise is to compress the muscles of the perineum, and for some time to keep them on their toes. Technique is simple, but very productive. For this seemingly invisible "charge" does not need dedicated time - it can be done in a queue in front of the TV or transport. Start with fifty reps a day and gradually raise the bar up to five hundred. Could and should be divided into several stages of training and remember them throughout the day - so you do not reboot the muscles, but will keep them in good shape.

VUM Building

Seeing the real effect of the simplest Kegel exercises, some enterprising doctors have decided to expand and improve his technique. Thus was born the very exotic kind of fitness -VUM Building. Mysterious acronym means vaginal muscles controlled. If you want to combine a mandatory morning exercises and healthy intimate training - we offer some simple exercises ...

1. Stand erect, chin lift, relax and keep your hands at your sides. Walk around the room as high as possible picking up his knees and pulling the socks down. Make 30-60 steps. Then slightly complicate the task: raising the knees, taking them to the side, and then lower. Also 30-60 steps.

2. Lie on your back, put his hands along the body. Bending your knees, pull them towards your chest, exhale sharply and squeeze the muscles of the vagina. Return to starting position and inhale. Repeat 15-20 times.

3. Standing, takes a deep breath nose, draw the belly: in this case the chest rises, vagina shrinks. Hold your breath for 3-4 seconds. Exhale slowly through your mouth and relax. Repeat five times.

4. Again, take a deep breath nose, but this time, sticking out his stomach and tighten your vagina. Hold your breath for 3-4 seconds and exhale slowly through your mouth, relaxing. Repeat 5 times.

5. Lying on your back, bend your knees, feet on the floor. Lift the hips, thighs, spread, and straining the muscles of the vagina, the press and buttocks, stay in this position 4-5 seconds. Get down on your back and relax. Repeat fifteen times.

6. Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width, heel inside out socks. On the exhale, slowly squat, simultaneously squeezing the muscles of the perineum, inspiratory rise quickly. Repeat 15-20 times.

7. Relying on his knees and hands, bend the back up, submitting the pelvis forward, vaginal muscles are tense. Hold the tension for five seconds. Then arch your back and move your pelvis slightly back, straining intimate muscles for five seconds. Repeat 10 times.

Double game

When you master the basics of gymnastics intimate and want to diversify classes, brought them their partner. Of course, if it does not cause you both discomfort and embarrassment. At the same time, you can check if there is enough inflated your muscles and whether they have acquired the magic power that drives men crazy.

But if exercise alone are not included in your plans, you can master the exercise with a trainer. His role in the pick up sex shop jade "egg" (is this form is best suited for intimate charging). Clutching a simulator vaginal muscles, try to keep it for some time, starting with a few minutes. Gradually, you will learn how to automatically control the muscles, whose work will allow you to fully enjoy life.

According to research by sexologists, about 80 percent of women who during sexual relations reach the highest point of bliss experience clitoral orgasm, 15 - vaginal, and only 5 percent can combine these two pleasures. Learning to control intimate muscles, you will enter into the final group.

Like any other exercise, intimate gymnastics may have contraindications. Not to harm your health, you should not engage in VUM Building, if you have acute inflammatory diseases or gynecological problems that require surgical treatment. Also it is better to forget about training during pregnancy and the first 4-5 months after birth.

Olga Onipko

Tags: magazine, uterus, exercise, fun, gymnastics, bowling, ptosis