Full chest: Lessons breathing exercises

Full chest: Lessons breathing exercises
 Breathing exercises can be used for professional purposes and for the treatment of various diseases. Regular breathing exercises improve performance and mood, beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs. Are a good preventive measure for maintaining health.

Without breath, human life is impossible. The value of proper breathing is difficult to overestimate. Since ancient times in different cultures on proper breathing has received considerable attention. In any system of martial arts training is the most important place is occupied by respiratory and management. Yoga philosophical system - a complex consisting of meditation, physical and breathing exercises. One of the most successful modern respiratory system is to get recognition system Strelnikova.

Breathing can be cleansing, activating and regenerating. Proper breathing is recognized full mixed-diaphragmatic breathing, which gives calmness and looseness, concentration and confidence, a healthy body and energy. Shallow breathing - this stress, lethargy and lack of confidence. Breath begins with the lower abdomen, capturing light, intercostal space and reaches the top of the chest. Exhale in reverse order.

Respiratory system provides the maximum concentration of forces during the battle, and their subsequent rapid recovery. Breathing is important not only during the strike, but also during meditation and stretching exercises. The concentration of energy - a breath, the release - exhale. For inspiration - a departure from the enemy, on the exhale is its blocking. Breath occurs in the preparation of the cast, striking - it is always a powerful breath. Mastery of the technique of breathing and control over the state of the spirit are the basis for obtaining high quality fighter.

Breathing is considered a prerequisite for physical and spiritual development. It is not only cleansing and filling the body with oxygen, but also the possibility of saturation of body and spirit energy. Thanks to proper breathing improves the functioning of the human body, strengthens its protective capabilities, there is a stimulation of the central nervous system.

Tags: lesson, chest, exercise, breathing exercises