Benefits and harms of running

Benefits and harms of running
 How can the lessons jogging bring any harm? Most people think that running, like other sports, is extremely useful. But still have this useful lessons and side effects and contraindications.  

Opinions about what running can be not only useful, but even harmful in our days are not uncommon. And although often this comfort themselves those who can not make and accustom themselves to regular jogs, but these opinions are based not on loafers and idlers. People not versed in sports and specifically in the race, is unlikely to be to talk about the benefits and harms. Know and warn us of the dangers we just professionals.

Let's start with the fact that regular light jogging outdoors still incredibly useful. Positive results of light jogging 3-4 times a week can be listed for a long time:
• Compensation for missing energy
• Bringing in a tone of almost all muscles of the body
• Positive effect on the nervous system
• Enrichment of the blood erythrocytes, hemoglobin, and lymphocytes, as a consequence, oxygen
• Regular jogging eventually frees man from the extra fat and opostylevshih

But, of course, in each ointment should be some kind of nasty. The first and very significant danger is our deplorable ecology. When we say that we were going to run in the "fresh air" we greatly embellish reality. People living in large and very large cities to go jogging in the forest is not possible.

We can say lucky for those who live near parks and groves, although the "freshness" of the air park in the center of the city current is far from ideal, but it's something. If you regularly run on the gassy streets of the city, by the firm and tighten muscles risk to earn, for example, the initial stage of asthma. If the air quality near your home is far from the norm, it is better to splurge on a treadmill in the apartment.

Just run contraindicated in people having disorders and diseases in the cardiovascular system. Jogging is not conducive to muscle growth. The same goes for the heart muscle. Such people should refrain from even light jogging and replace it with a walk in the fresh air.

Tags: occupation, use, sports, injury, running, danger