The secret of youth Michelle Pfeiffer

The secret of youth Michelle Pfeiffer
 One of the most popular actresses in Hollywood Michelle Pfeiffer in his 50-plus manages to look younger and slimmer many young stars. However, she is not a fan of plastic surgery and is inclined to corpulence. Not so long ago, she revealed the secret of her beauty.
 Hollywood actress Michelle Pfeiffer believes that the basic beauty of nature gives, and you just need to properly dispose of it. Its secret is simple enough.

Firstly, of course, no bad habits. Alcohol, tobacco and drugs hit very hard throughout the body as a whole. And it becomes immediately visible on the skin. It becomes a gray tint, becomes porous and wrinkled. So the first rule - only fresh air, water and healthy food. All this helps to Michelle for many years to be in perfect shape.

No strict diets. You simply do not get carried away too harmful fatty foods and that food that is rich in carbohydrates. Eat on the principle can eat everything but in moderation.

In addition, Michel drinking hot cocoa every day and it helps it stay in shape. After all, in this drink in excess contains flavonoids that provide elasticity of the skin. Also, it allows you to recover faster cocoa after exhausting exercise.

Of course, of great importance for the maintenance of natural beauty, says the actress has a sport. Not necessarily deal with it professionally, but for best results, you must have a certain pattern. It is best to run the body affected by the fresh holiday alternated with moderate loads.

Another point in the struggle for beauty Michelle Pfeiffer - it's peace of mind. No stress. It is known that they impose a negative mark on the skin, help to get those extra pounds and undermine the human psyche.

Besides worth adjust itself to the fact that beauty is not eternal. Aging need with dignity. Then there will be a desire to run on plastic surgery to make yourself a little better and younger. Namely, this is the standard of beauty for women and youth 50.

Among the technical tools that help her look young and beautiful, star names correctly chosen lighting. "Proper lighting - one of the most important things for the actress. If the light worked on a professional, do not matter what face creams you use "- quoted the actress British edition Daily Telegraph. After all, light aligned bags under the eyes, wrinkles.

Tags: beauty secret Michel