Making candles at home

Making candles at home
 Burning candles can add a touch of romance even in the everyday dinner. For a gift to friends and family, they too are great. Although modern stores offer a huge selection of decorative candles for every taste, much nicer to make them yourself.

Make decorative candles at home is easy enough, it is only important to observe precisely the sequence of production. You can make plain or colored candles in different colors, or decorate them with glitter decorative details.

For self-production of decorative candles need to prepare: paraffin, stearin, form a wick material for decoration and dyes, metal container.

First you need to prepare a form for candles. It can be made of any material, the main condition - it must withstand temperatures of 100 degrees. In the mold cavity is necessary to fix the wick. For it can take ordinary cotton thread. One end of the thread you need to stick to the bottom of the form, and the other tied to a stick and fix the top of the form. To candle burning evenly, it is necessary to wick along the center mold and was well tensioned.

For the most candles need to prepare a mixture of paraffin and stearin. Paraffin need to take 10 parts, and stearin - 1. metal containers need to put in a water bath to melt it stearin, you can add the dye, and then later added paraffin. The mixture should be melted to a temperature of about 93 degrees. Then you can fill out the form for her candle.

To prevent the formation of air bubbles after casting a few minutes to knock on its edges. Your decorative candle is almost ready, it remains only to cool the mixture in the form and remove it from the finished candle.

To speed up the cooling process candles can be put in the form of cold water, but in a way not to get water on the candle. When it hardens, it must be removed from the mold. If you can not do this, place the form for a few minutes in hot water. From the heat a little melted wax and candle can be easily removed from the mold.

Now it's time to decorate. You can cut carvings on the surface of the candle or cause the paint through a stencil. If you want to decorate the candle bulky items can be blocked from the wax mold, and then attached to the surface of the candle.

Tags: house, home, condition, candle, candle