French, Germans, Slav, Swede ...

French, Germans, Slav, Swede ...
 For many centuries against women has been said many beautiful words. Women admire and praise, she dedicate poems and songs, but few people can understand it. And it does not depend on nationality. And the French, and Russian, and Japanese, and German are a mystery to men. They are both similar and radically different from each other.
 In fact, as a woman behaves in the society, as relates to family and work, a great influence, of course, have a tradition and culture of her country. There are many stereotypes claiming what qualities are inherent in a woman of a particular nationality. For example, it is believed that the Germans are very punctual, and one of the key moments in their lives is a career.

French recognized as the most sexy woman in the world. They know how to tie, scarf so that passers-by turned around in his trail. This is not to say that French girls are different outer beauty. Here palm belongs SLAVYANKA.

If we talk about family relationships, in Japan adhere to old traditions and rules. Girl look for her husband or parents, or even work colleagues. In many companies, organized a special dating service whose purpose is to find a pair of unmarried people. But in spite of such customs, Japanese - the good wife, mistress and mother. At home always reign order and cleanliness, especially in the kitchen.

European women are more democratic in relations with the opposite sex. French, for example, do not seek out relations, as in the case of divorce have much to spend on a lawyer. A similar attitude toward marriage exists in Swedish women. And among the many German women single mothers, and even if there are a couple, it is often conducted separately economy, but everything in the house is in place on the shelves there is no dust, no musorinki.

But the Englishwoman pay little time home care for them career comes first. For the same reason, to arrange their personal lives they begin after 30 years. Slavic women are considered to be a good housewife. They always cooked a delicious dinner in the house of comfort and order prevail, they are always ready to pay attention to her husband and children. The main drawback of the East Slavic girls recognized their talkativeness. This is especially noted husbands foreigners, who are used to a different style of behavior.

Differences between women of different nationalities have even how they make a purchase. Thus, the Swede is rarely chosen stores. Usually all purchases made by their husbands. But twice a year the Swedish women gather with friends a couple of weeks and is visited daily by different sales. French women are more like to show off their culinary achievements, rather than discuss the purchase, but on scarves, perfume, underwear they never save.

British women love to go to flea markets, where they are able to acquire unique things sometimes. But the Germans to shopping responsibly they can get around a few times a supermarket, before proceeding to the choice of goods.

Japanese women are engaged in shopping for yourself, and never ask for it husbands. In Japan, not taken to carrying bags of groceries husband, it is the responsibility of women, and met by chance on the street, the wife of a man will not give up packages. Ukrainian women and other Slavic girls are recognized as the great lover of shopping. But it is necessary to give them their due, they manage to find things at the lowest prices.

Additional sources:

  • French, Germans, Slav, Swede ...
 Author: Olga Bezruchko

Tags: Japanese, Slav, Swedish, German, French, English woman