Crafts as the most popular type of hobby

Crafts as the most popular type of hobby
 Today needlework is one of the most popular hobbies for women. These classes can inspire all ages from young girls to old women. Sometimes needlework so tightly into the life of a person that is not just a fad, but a matter of life. His works of the master can not just admire, but also to participate with them in exhibitions and even to sell at auction.

Types of needlework are so many that each skilled worker can choose something for everyone. Engage in and learn the skill it is now much easier due to the wide range of publications on various kinds of needlework in the printed literature and a lot of resources on the Internet. To learn how to knit socks, embroider, make soft toys or jewelry, it is not necessary to attend special courses or clubs. Video and master classes so much that sometimes it is difficult to decide what to choose. Happy and selling range of application materials for handy people. There is an opportunity not only to pick up the necessary details, but even order something quite extraordinary.

How many types of needlework there now? Try to list the most famous and mention those that occur less frequently.

1. Knitting. This type of needlework is the most common in the world. Several distinct types of knitting, depending on the instrument:
- Conventional knitting crochet;
- Knitting crochet long (Tunisian crochet);
- Knitting.

2. Sewing and modeling. No less popular needlework. And, as if it did not seem strange, school-age girls and young women are highly skilled in working with fabric and sewing machines than middle-aged women.

3. Patchwork plastic (patchwork). This kind of needlework are more attracted by older women. Products made by this technique can be both stitched and knitted.

4. Application. Unfortunately, the application is not at a premium. With the development of industrial thermo-the-blanks, people are fond of hand applique fewer.

5. Weave. Types of netting set, and every girl at least once tried to engage in any kind of weaving.

Weaving threads and ropes:
- Macrame;
- Bobbin lace;
- Weaving ribbons.

Weaving of wood:
- Weaving twigs;
- Weaving straw;
- Weaving shingles.

6. Beading. This kind of needlework can be divided into machine tools and hand weaving beads and beads.

7. Stitch. Embroidery techniques are many:
- Machine embroidery;
- Stitch embroidery;
- Embroidery cross;
- Cutwork embroidery;
- Needlepoint;
- Openwork.

8. Carpet weaving. In this kind of creativity on the right men can argue as execution with women.

9. Work with the paper. This type may include:
- Origami;
- Quilling;
- Decoupage;
- Scrapbooking.

10. Guilloche. This type of needlework is burning on fabric.

11. Batik. Many people like to do painting on fabric. This is a very exciting and different from a simple drawing on paper.

12. Soap. Fairly new, but enjoys great success with women kind of needlework. Sale of homemade soap is now considered profitable business.

13. Working with wood. Here are the most vivid carving and burning.

14. Modeling and pottery. Polymer clay artisans make very beautiful decorations. No less valued now and potters work.

From such a variety of types of needlework, everyone will be able to choose a fun activity with their own hands and create a true masterpiece.

Tags: view, Hobbies, Crafts