Beauty Secrets of Monica Bellucci

Beauty Secrets of Monica Bellucci
 Monica Bellucci is the epitome of Italian beauty: bright, sensual, mysterious. It pleases men all over the world for its magnificent forms and charm. The former model and now a successful actress and mom, it remains one of the coveted and most beautiful women of her time, despite the fact that it has long been knocked 40 years.

For this sultry Italian mainly in personal care is a natural as well as spiritual and physical harmony. Every morning, she begins to moisturize the skin and cool spirit. On hot days, the actress always keeps handy spray tonic for the face. Anti-aging cream, it does not use, because they do not see them as good and believes that nature is never fooled. Radiance Skin Monica clears her exfoliating scrub, and then just lubricates almond oil. Sometimes she pampers her mask of avocado and cream.

Italian does not recognize any diets and never hesitates to their appetizing forms. Actresses who harassed themselves unbearable physical activity and limit in the diet, cause it only a feeling of pity. Bellucci rarely waives his favorite dishes, but there are always small portions. Only occasionally, and if required by the role, the actress sits on a diet.

For sport, it is also very easy, and will never force yourself to deal with it through force. The actress believes that everything must be done with pleasure, otherwise no good will not. To maintain the figure Monica sometimes engaged in swimming and gymnastics. Gyms and swimming pools, it does not like, so does exercise exclusively outdoors and always swims in the sea only. Salt water has beneficial effects on the skin, as opposed to chlorinated, which dries it. Italian is an admirer of yoga classes and pays her for at least three hours a week. This procedure results in the east the order is not only the spirit but also the body, giving at the same time a sense of bliss.

Luxury hair actress - the result of its regular and careful care. She never washes them concentrated shampoo and tries to once again not to dry the hair dryer. Detergent is necessarily diluted with water and wash your head as possible no more than twice a week. Bellucci says that it is like a mild care and does her hair shiny and strong. However, she has one more secret: just before shampooing it gets to the roots of warm olive oil, which effectively feeds them.

But the main secret of the actress lies in its relation to itself. She really appreciates and loves himself, and also has a unique gift to charm everyone who admires her beauty.

Tags: Beauty, recipe, Monica Bellucci