Roman Kostomarov

Roman Kostomarov
 Handsome and successful man, sporty and attractive, cheerful and sociable, in addition to everything else rich and promising. This is not a prince, which is expected desperate princess is a multiple world champion and winner of various competitions in figure skating - Roman Kostomarov.
 When in 1977, Roman was born, his parents hardly have guessed that I sliders great skater, who is waiting for international recognition. Yes, and the novel is not sought in every way to get it to figure skating. He got on the ice by a fluke. The novel did not have time to give to the gym, and swimming he did not get on some criteria.

In the Ice Palace AZLK worked good friend Roman mother. She then became a man, a boy who helped make the first step to a career of great skater. Woman helped to settle in Roman Theatre on ice.

A year later, the boy saw the rink Karavayeva Lydia, who became the first coach Roman. Putting it in a couple with their daughter, Lidia took him under his full custody. For 10 years creative couple Roman and Katya was won many awards, including the Junior World Championships.

In 1998, the Roman suggest to go for training in America, with only one condition: if he gets up in a couple Tatiana Navka. Roman thought long on this proposal and, in the end, agreed. So he was in Dlavere with a new coach and a new partner.
Suddenly coach Roman decides to break it with a couple Navka. New partner will become a figure skater Anna Semenovich. Roman could not help but listen to the opinion of his coach and agreed to this change. Navka, left alone, tried her hand at skating.

Roman and Anna won many awards, but the big victories they have not won. Beautiful in the early relationship began to deteriorate, conflicts arose one after another. Shortly press widely discussed scandalous couple. Not finding a common language with his partner, Roman remembers the good performances and an excellent relationship with Tatiana Navka.

With great difficulty found a novel coordinate Tatiana and called her with the proposal to renew the pair. Fortunately, Tatiana did not remember old grudges and gladly agreed to ride with Roman. For a couple Navka-Kostomarov took current husband Tatiana Zhulin.

Paired with Tatiana Roman achieves that aspired to for many years. They won gold at the Olympics in Turin. Along with it, they become world champions in ice dancing and winners of many other competitions.

Personal life Roman also was not easy. A month before his departure for America, Roman met with a young figure skater Julia Lautova. Separation only fueled feelings of young people going through the ordeal of the unknown and lack of money, they decide to get married. Marriage lasts about one and a half years, but the constant absence of her husband forced Julia to file for divorce.

Now Roman is going to live in Russia, despite the fact that he had received "Green Card." He has a beautiful girl named Oksana, who is also a figure skater. She is always ready to help Roman and goes to all sorts of compromises to save their relationship. How to fold their fate and whether successful subsequent career Roman, time will tell.

Tags: couple, coach, romance, skating, Tatiana Navka, Kostomarov