Pantomime for children

Pantomime for children
 Surely many of the familiar meaning of "pantomime". For those who doubt the correctness of their views, we recall that the essence of pantomime is to the body by means of non-verbal cues and express emotions. Pantomime is used not only on stage but also in life, and for children it is particularly useful as it promotes the development of creative imagination, the ability to learn to use an imaginary object in real life, as well as helping to develop management skills gestures, movements and facial expressions, to express correctly their emotions and feelings.

Playing in the pantomime, the child understands the basics of such a difficult art as communication, and thus receives the necessary framework to achieve much in life. It is no secret that the ability to communicate and understand the interlocutor largely determines the success of any endeavor. And as a child is the ability to help you find friends and not be alone, to broaden my horizons.

The game is good in pantomime by the fact that it requires no special equipment and training, you can play it regardless of age. Here are some simple examples.

At the age of four years, the child may show only the shoulders, that he is proud, but back - old age, nose - pleasant and unpleasant smell of a flower smoke and so on. For five or six year old child can complicate the job. For example, imagine a story without words "Turnip" or "Speckled Hen".

Very popular with the children to represent what a man feels in certain situations: when the cold when the rain when it passes through a narrow bridge over the river, and so on.

Older children enjoy playing in pantomime by the following rules. Imagine that you are in a situation where you can only see each other, but do not hear. For instance, on the planet, where the sound is not transmitted, try to ask a question and get an answer using pantomime. Of course, the issues in this case must be very specific.

Show can be animals, people, objects, characters and feelings. You can play the entire statement, but you can come up with some rules of the game for teams of multiple players. The possibilities are virtually endless pantomime, despite its apparent simplicity. Mime can not only demonstrate locomotor activity, but also get into the imagined image helps create positive emotions, as well as developing in children plastic. Solving pantomime, the child offers a variety of solutions and learn from them to choose the one that is most suitable for various attributes, so he learn to choose the optimal solution of many possible.

Tags: child, play, child, pantomimes