Other Keira Knightley in a new photo shoot The Guardian

 Before the release of the film "Game of imitation" and "Baby" Keira Knightley, happy and successful actress, starred in an unusual photo shoot specifically for The Gardian and thus hinted its viewers to the fact that in addition to the existing image there are other sides of her personality.
Artistic images of Keira Knightley captures famous portrait painter Nadav Kander. Hairstyles engaged Amy Hershan and makeup actress did Lisa Eldridge, turning it into a plaster statue with a catchy asymmetrical makeup that reminds the viewer that have one person may be two sides.
Other Keira Knightley in a new photo shoot The Guardian
Other Keira Knightley in a new photo shoot The Guardian
Other Keira Knightley in a new photo shoot The Guardian